Chase Away Bad Feelings with This Magic Spell for Cleansing Negativity

This spell isn't really meant to get rid of a person that's causing trouble, or to break bad habits, but rather to disconnect from a situation that's draining your energy. Examples might be a fight you had with a loved one which you are not getting over even though the relationship is otherwise good and you wish for it to continue, or when you have a big project at work that you've finished but you are still fretting and stressing about while you worry over the outcome. This spell is far milder than a Cut and Clear or a Separation spell. 

This spell is also good for after you've done another spellcast and you need to disconnect while waiting for the outcome. Many people continue to fret and fuss over a spell while awaiting the results, even though doing so can damage the power of the spell from the negative energy it creates. This spell may help, and you might also look at these tips for staying occupied while waiting for spell manifestation.

cleansing and purification anti-stress witchcraft spell

You need:

  • rosemary
  • juniper berries or leaves
  • bay leaf
  • mugwort
  • Sage oil
  • New Life oil
  • a freestanding double action candle (preferably blue and black, but white and black will also do)

Prepare the herbs by boiling them in water to make a strong infusion. Strain the herbs out and add this herb water to your bath. Soak in the water at least until your skin begins to prune -- this means your skin is absorbing the mixture. Let the bath water drain away when you're done. (Note: if you don't have a bathtub, you can let the infusion cool and spongebathe with it, or slowly pour the mixture over your head. If you do this, do not towel-dry afterward but instead be sure to let the infusion air dry on.)

Prepare your double-action candle by butting it -- this means you snip off the wick, then flip the candle around and scrape away enough of the base of the candle to expose new wick and create a new top of the candle. On the black side, carve in a downward spiral a short description of what you want to break from (example: "obsession over spellcast".) On the blue side (or white side) carve in an upward spiral a short description of what you want to have instead (example: "contentment and confidence.")

Dress the black side of the candle with Sage oil to clear negative energy, and dress the blue or white side with New Life oil. Set up your candle, and lighting the black end, burn it all in one go.

NOTE: Double action candles are most often found in the colors white and black, red and black or green and black. Blue and black is rare, however, you can make your own blue and black double action candle by dipping the end of any freestanding blue candle into melted black wax in order to coat it halfway up the length of a candle. In hoodoo style spells you will always coat the base side of the candle in black, never the top, as the ritual butting of the candle is considered part of the spellwork, representing "turning around" a situation.