Spiritual Cleaning of Bedding and Mattresses

bedding being cleaned by mystical methods

We spend so much time in bed. Yet, not many people seem to give a thought to ensuring our beds stay spiritually clean. As this article says, uncleanness of the bedding can lead to all kinds of health problems on a practical level -- and just think the spiritual messes you could be laying in!

Here's the way to give your bedding a proper spiritual cleansing and fixing up:

  1. Pull off all the sheets, blankets and pillowcases from the bed. Give them a good washing in hot water. For added benefit, you can use a spiritual soap per the instructions here to make your own hoodoo spiritualist laundry soap, or you can wash them in regular soap and add some conjure formula bath salts to the rinse cycle. For a general home cleansing, a mixture like Van Van would be suitable, though if you are concerned about specific conditions you can choose a formula that's appropriate -- such as French Love for love enhancement, or Has No Hanna for money luck.
  2. While the bedding is off, evenly sprinkle some baking soda onto the mattress -- this will help neutralize odors and also clean general negative energies away. If desired, you can mix a dash of spiritual sachet powder or a few drops of conjure oil into the baking soda before scattering it. Allow the baking soda to sit for at least an hour -- more if possible. 
  3. Use a vacuum (either a handheld or a hose attachment) to clean off the powder on the mattress. Do this slowly and thoroughly -- you want to get as deep a cleaning into the mattress as you can, and letting the suction do its job will assist.
  4. If your pillows are washable, give them a run through the washing machine as with the bedding. If your pillows are not washable, treat them as the mattress to ensure a good cleaning.
  5. Thoroughly dry your bedding. If you have a clothes dryer, you may sprinkle a dash of sachet powder in with the laundry to give it some pleasant fragrance and extra spiritual power. If you hang your laundry up to dry, a squirt or two of spiritual perfume over each piece will help to discourage damp odors.
  6. When it's time to redress the bed, sprinkle a pinch of salt over the mattress before putting down the fitted sheet. Doing this is said to discourage negative energies from afflicting you in your sleep. 
  7. Finally, when the whole bed is dressed and made, you may optionally sprinkle some sachet powder or herb mixture at the 4 corners of the bed for further spiritual help. A bit of red brick dust or Jinx Removing salt can be wonderfully protective, or if you wish to improve your love life, using some magnetic sand or some Love Drawing powder will assist.


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In a world where challenges can sometimes seem insurmountable, ancient traditions hold the key to unlocking transformative change. Hoodoo, a powerful folk magic tradition, has been used for generations to address life's most pressing issues and bring about remarkable shifts. At Hoodoo Online, we've harnessed the potency of this tradition and brought it into the digital age, offering professional spellcasting services that can bring real solutions to your doorstep.

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1. **Guidance and Expertise:** Our spellcasters are not just professionals; they are guides on your journey to transformation. With a deep understanding of hoodoo practices and their significance, our spellcasters carefully craft spells that align with your desires.

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4. **Rooted in Tradition:** At Hoodoo Online, we hold true to the essence of hoodoo magic. Our spells are crafted with the utmost respect for tradition, ensuring that you receive the benefits of authentic hoodoo-style folk magic.

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1. **Share Your Desires:** Reach out to us via email, describing your aspirations and the change you seek through hoodoo magic.

2. **Tailored Solutions:** Our spellcasters will carefully evaluate your case and determine the strength of the spell required. With pricing options ranging from basic to deluxe, we cater to a spectrum of needs.

3. **Preparing the Magic:** Once the details are finalized, make the payment, and our team will procure the necessary ingredients for your spell. Depending on the uniqueness of certain items, preparation may take a few days to several weeks.

4. **Embarking on the Journey:** With the components in place, we'll inform you when your spell is ready to be cast. Throughout the casting period, you'll receive daily email updates and photographs, allowing you to stay closely connected to the unfolding magic.

5. **Witnessing Transformation:** While the spell's magic begins immediately, the full impact might take some time to manifest. However, many practitioners have reported experiencing the effects of their hoodoo-style spell within days of its initiation.

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