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Cut and Clear Purification Spell - White Witchcraft to Forget the Past

hoodoo cut and clear bottle spell

The time has come. You're over and done with that relationship. It could be a romance, a friendship, a business partnership -- any sort of connection really. But now you're done, and you want all ties severed. This spell helps clear up any lingering energies and makes people let go of past feelings.

You need:

  • 1 bottle
  • Jinx Removing salt
  • Lemon verbena leaves
  • Purification oil or Cut and Clear oil
  • Personal or representational items of the person(s) you are removing yourself from (names and photos are easy)
  • Purification incense
  • 4 white candles
  • You will also need to make your own Cut and Clear bath salt. For this you'll need about 1/2 cup epsom salt to which you add 5 drops each lemongrass oil, lemon or melissa oil, and rue or rosemary oil. It's important to make this salt yourself with only oils (no herbs) because we want it to run clean down the drain with no residue left behind to be cleaned up. Many spiritual bath blends contain herbal matter and curios ground into the bath salts, which we don't want for this spell.

Begin by assembling inside the bottle your personal item from the target, Jinx Removing Salt, Lemon Verbena leaves, and 3 drops of Purification or Cut and Clear oil. Close up the lid.

Place the bottle between your 4 white candles -- the candles should be arranged in a square shape, one at each corner with the bottle placed inside. Light the Purification incense and the 4 candles.

Declare or pray, as the incense burns, that the party you wish to be separated from be cut out of your life without harm. "No hate nor love be between us." The goal of this spell is to make a clean break -- no baggage, no grudges.

Let the candles burn. While you wait, it may be a good time to do some practical endeavors like unfriending the person from Facebook, throwing out any sentimental items from them, etc. 

After the candles and incense have burnt out, take the bottle with you as you draw a bath. Add the Cut and Clear salts to the tub and get in. While you sit in the tub, shake the bottle and continue your prayers to be cut loose from this person with all attachments gone. "No hate nor love be between us." 

After you feel you've sufficiently empowered the bottle, scrub yourself downward in the tub and wash thoroughly. (Always be sure to at least wet your head when taking a spiritual bath -- you don't need to soak your hair but at least splash or dab a bit of water onto your forehead.) When you're done, just pull the plug and let the water drain away.

As soon as you get the chance, after the bath, take the bottle to a river or other moving body of water and throw it in. That finishes the spell by metaphorically washing and carrying the bad associate away from you.

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