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Showing posts from August, 2010

Footage by Zora Neale Hurston

A sort of visual aid to the book Mules and Men : some footage shot by Zora Neale Hurston in 1928, the same period when she was gathering information for the book. Hurston's Crow/Buzzard song:

Swallow's Hearts in Magic

The Swallow's Heart is an old magical charm, the use of which goes back at least to the 17th century. It is traditionally held in magic to possess the power to draw love and attention. "All men will love thee, if thou carry with thee a Swallow's heart." -- John Wecker "The Heart of the Swallow... will serve to attract even that which you have lost." -- Marie Laveau (attrib.) Since the US Migratory Bird's Act makes it illegal for anyone to sell genuine swallow's hearts (which is why so many "alleged swallow's hearts" are nothing more than rocks or other small items), I have developed the following replacements. They are cruelty-free with the only animal product they contain being sweet beeswax. These swallow's heart curios are produced from a variety of traditional love drawing minerals, herbs and oils including powdered rose quartz, Come To Me oil, dragon's blood resin, elecampane and other famous items reputed...

Hoodoo Resurfacing!

A friend of mine -- fellow hoodoo practitioner Rev. Jim of the Church of Good Luck -- was in my town today for a convention, so we decided to visit each other and check out the local candle shop together. This was a pleasant trip, and the lady at the candle shop suggested that while in the area we should see an art gallery nearby where there was some hoodoo/voodoo/santeria themed art.  The art in question was by a woman who calls herself The Ditch Witch because a) she makes works with an occult theme, and b) she incorporates a lot of found objects discovered from local ditches. So we went to see the art show. On one wall was a little Ochun altar, full of found bottles and jewelry from the ditches, and even a little voodoo doll of a female figure. I glanced the doll and went, "Hey, I once made a doll like that!" Then I looked a little closer. "Why, I made a doll exactly like that." A closer inspection, and soon I recognized my own hand stitching. Once I notic...

Days of the Week for Spells - Voodoo Hoodoo Magic

MONDAY - a favorable day for Peace, Happy Home and Tranquility spells. Also for Psychic Vision type work. TUESDAY - Separation and Breakup spells are well suited to this day. Protection spells and Reversing work also is appropriate for the occasion. WEDNESDAY - for spells about communication, unblocking and speed. Good spells for casting this day are Fast Luck, Road Opener, as well as certain kinds of spells for contact or receiving contact. THURSDAY - well suited for Steady Work and Better Business spells. FRIDAY - the day to cast luxurious spells for things like love, wealth and beauty. Wealthy Way, Prosperity, Love Me, Come To Me, Attraction, all are well fit for this day. SATURDAY - this is the day for casting harmful workings like Goofering and Dark Arts spells. Also suited for Domination, Bend Over and Control workings. SUNDAY - ideal for casting Uncrossing, Purification and Blessing spells. Also well suited to spells for knowledge and fame such as Crown of Success...