MONDAY - a favorable day for Peace, Happy Home and Tranquility spells. Also for Psychic Vision type work.
TUESDAY - Separation and Breakup spells are well suited to this day. Protection spells and Reversing work also is appropriate for the occasion.
WEDNESDAY - for spells about communication, unblocking and speed. Good spells for casting this day are Fast Luck, Road Opener, as well as certain kinds of spells for contact or receiving contact.
THURSDAY - well suited for Steady Work and Better Business spells.
FRIDAY - the day to cast luxurious spells for things like love, wealth and beauty. Wealthy Way, Prosperity, Love Me, Come To Me, Attraction, all are well fit for this day.
SATURDAY - this is the day for casting harmful workings like Goofering and Dark Arts spells. Also suited for Domination, Bend Over and Control workings.
SUNDAY - ideal for casting Uncrossing, Purification and Blessing spells. Also well suited to spells for knowledge and fame such as Crown of Success and Ancient Wisdom spells.
This can give you a good idea of when your very own hoodoo style magical spell might be performed for you by a professional.
I usually use this system myself when casting one-day spells for clients, because the added power of the weekday can help to compensate for the lesser level of power to be found in a one-day spell cast compared to a 3-day or 7-day or 9-day.
The strongest hoodoo spells -- that is, the kind that you need when you want to acquire large amounts of money, get hired for a competitive position, win the love of a difficult person, and so on -- are usually the ones which are cast over the course of several days. The repetition of the magic is necessary in order to create the larger influences that are needed to bring big changes like these. Many clients don't like to do these kinds of spells, as their lengthier casting requires a higher price, but they are failing to recognize that this extra work is needed if they're to get the large scale results most people dream about from hoodoo style magic.