The Swallow's Heart is an old magical charm, the use of which goes back at least to the 17th century. It is traditionally held in magic to possess the power to draw love and attention.
"All men will love thee, if thou carry with thee a Swallow's heart." -- John Wecker
"The Heart of the Swallow... will serve to attract even that which you have lost." -- Marie Laveau (attrib.)
Since the US Migratory Bird's Act makes it illegal for anyone to sell genuine swallow's hearts (which is why so many "alleged swallow's hearts" are nothing more than rocks or other small items), I have developed the following replacements. They are cruelty-free with the only animal product they contain being sweet beeswax. These swallow's heart curios are produced from a variety of traditional love drawing minerals, herbs and oils including powdered rose quartz, Come To Me oil, dragon's blood resin, elecampane and other famous items reputed to draw luck, love and power.
These artificial swallow's hearts are used in appropriate spellwork from Hoodoo Online.