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Unveiling the Shocking Truth About Voodoo Dolls: Hoodoo Online Secrets Revealed – Learn How to Harness Their Mystical Power!

evil voodoo doll image

"Voodoo Doll" has come to be the standard term for any kind of magical poppet or doll-baby, and especially those which are intended to bring influence on a specified person. Virtually any kind of material can be used to make these dolls, just as long as the final shape is recognizably humanoid. Some people even like to save themselves time and use store-bought dolls or figurines around which to build their dolls. Denise Alvarado's book Voodoo Dolls in Magick and Ritual has many interesting photos from her collection showing how they can be made. 

Doll Babies, or "Voodoo Dolls" as they are more commonly called, have a variety of magical uses. Purposewise, they are used as a stand-in for an actual person on whom a spell is being worked, and are not themselves inherently used for evil. They are generally used in a symbolic way that is representative of the sort of effect the practitioner wishes to produce upon their human target. In previous times, they were a virtual necessity for any sort of influencing or commanding spells; however, the advent of photography has put them somewhat on the decline, since photographs are typically cheaper and easier to use. The doll baby still holds a certain place in magic, however; for it is a time-tested and traditional working of the oldest sort. A curse is known from Ancient Egypt in which practitioners would make up such a doll, and after covering it in magical writings it would be wrapped up and thrown into a fire. The ashes would be mixed with dung, and it would then be burnt a second time.

The first step in making a voodoo doll really depends on how you intend to use it. By knowing this, you'll be able to decide what size and shape of doll will best suit you. For example, do you want a doll that's small enough to conceal around your home or someone else's? Do you want a doll that is flexible with bendable arms and legs, or would you be fine with an immovable doll made from wood or clay? Do you want a doll that can be "hidden in plain sight" by passing for a decoration? These must be considered before beginning. Some spells are even specially designed to use a particular style of doll and won't work with another: a spell where you crush and shatter the doll, for example, demands a brittle substance like clay, porcelain or plastic be used to make the doll. One where you burn the doll requires it be made from something flammable in which case clay or porcelain wouldn't work at all, but cloth or herb-bundles can be used. A spell where your doll is stuck through with pins demands using a doll making material with enough give for it to be pierced through. 

First determine what you will be wanting to do with your doll and then, with that known, you will be able to determine what substance is best to make use of. 

Once you have chosen your type of voodoo doll, as described in the previous post, you will need to "fix" it so that it will be a magical doll instead of a regular toy or trinket like any other. First you will want to acquire any herbs, curios or powders you mean to use, as well as any personal concerns from the person the doll is to be used on (if indeed you mean to use it on a specific person.)

If your doll is made from cloth, you will typically cut it open and place the herbs and concerns inside of it, then sew it back up. If your doll is made of a hard material, you can either carve out a space to hide the additional ingredients and then seal it up again with clay or wax, OR, you can do a traditional African trick of rolling up the herbs and things into a little cloth collar for the doll (or more modern, make a little hanging neck sachet for the doll.)

Some herbs and spices you may want to consider using are:

Red pepper (used for hexing and revenge, also for protection)
Sandalwood (protection, purification, peace)
Cinnamon (love and money)
Patchouli (control and influence, also for love and money)
Sugar (used for any situation where you want to "sweeten" a person's behavior or experiences)
Spanish moss (traditional stuffing for Southern style voodoo dolls, usually for harmful magic)
Master of the woods (for controlling and for mastery)

You can also use other power items to increase the power of your doll, like small talismans, or special items like coins or charms. I know one woman who used a piece of stone from the top of a pyramid in order to create an incredibly powerful voodoo doll: she sewed it up inside with the rest of the materials.

When it comes to creating a voodoo doll, the final step in its making is its being conjured. By this point the doll should be built and filled with any herbal supplies one might wish to use.

Denise Alvarado recommends that the practitioner start this process by anointing his own self with Holy Oil or Seven African Powers Oil, and praying or meditating upon strength and aid in accomplishing one's goals till achieving a trance-like state.

Now, the doll itself needs to be activated by being baptized as the person of whom it is meant to effect or represent. cat yronwode describes on her Practical Tips page having seen this done, saying the practitioner cradled the doll in his left hand, positioning it on its back. With his right index and middle finger, he traced a cross in the air above it, mimicking the gesture of a Christian blessing. Then, keeping his right hand open and slightly cupped, palm facing downward, he held it above the doll without making contact, while uttering these words:

[John Doe] you are,
[downward stroke of cross on name]
And [John Doe] to me
[cross-stroke of [c]ross on name]
You will always be.
[hand pauses, then over dollie for next part]
You will think what i tell you to think,
Walk where i tell you to walk,
Talk when i tell you to talk,
Do what i tell you to,
Go where i send you,
And speak when you're spoken to.
In Jesus' name, Amen."

I personally like using an oil with which to baptize the doll -- often an appropriate Zodiac oil to the spell target, as I described in my book. Any suitable condition oil may also be used. Holy water or other sacred waters too are acceptable.

Once the doll has been activated, it is ready to be treated in whatever manner you have in mind -- hurt it, love it, manipulate it, whatever.

 Here are some modern-day spells for using doll babies:

PROTECTION Some practitioners are known to fix up a doll as their own self, putting some hair or bodily fluid into the doll along with protective herbs like ginger and dragonsblood resin. They then command the doll to absorb any curses or misfortunes aimed their way.

CURSE Fix a doll as your enemy, and fill with calamus root and vandal root, and Crossing powder. Hide this doll on your enemy's property. If you wish to cause specific physical ailments, cut off the area of the doll (leg, arm, head) where you want the person to suffer.

MONEY A doll can be fixed to represent the practitioner's own self; it is then placed in a drawer or other quiet place, surrounded by coins and money so that the practitioner will always have cash at hand.

MARRIAGE A rather coercive marriage spell using a doll baby involves the practitioner fixing the doll as their intended and dressing it with love and marriage herbs such as orange flower, deerstongue leaf and periwinkle. The doll is then nailed down to a board, using new nails, and with each strike of the hammer a command is given. At last, the doll should be firmly nailed down: it can't go anywhere, and neither will the target.

BREAKUP Get a doll made for both parties in the relationship you want to break up, and set them on a piece of thick white paper. Get a piece of unbleached fabric and urinate on it, and place it between the two dolls, set side by side. Deposit this whole device on top of a metal roof, as on a shed, and leave it for 7 nights -- put it outdoors where the moon can shine on it. Then take it down, turn the two dolls facing away from each other and leave the rag in between them, and bury this whole trick. 

RECONCILIATION A doll baby fixed as the target is dressed daily with Peace Water: the practitioner massages the doll and tells it soothingly to calm its anger and be friendly again.

REVENGE A doll baby is fixed as the target and dressed with cayenne pepper and sulfur. If the target had done something bad that they should feel guilty over, the interior of a black box can be lined all over on every side with mirrors, so the doll must always look at itself. The box is then taken out to a graveyard and buried. This is said to make the target feel such guilt that it will eventually torture them to death.

WORK To get a job, fix the doll as yourself and fill it with Steady Work powder and calamus root. Take it to the place you want to work and either bury it outside the door or hide it within the shop, to influence the people working there toward hiring you.


Here is some advice from the historically well-regarded Key of Solomon for how to treat the materials and the prayer to say over the charm.

WAX and Virgin Earth are also employed in many Magical Operations, whether to make Images, or Candles, or other things; therefore they should never have been put to any other use. The Earth should be dug up with thine own hands, and reduced to a paste, without touching it with any instrument whatever, so that it be not defiled thereby.
The Wax should be taken from bees which have only made it for the first time, and it should never have been employed for any other purpose; and when thou shalt wish it to avail thyself of the one or the other, thou shalt before commencing the work repeat the following conjuration:--


EXTABOR, HETABOR, SITTACIBOR, ADONAI, ONZO, ZOMEN, MENOR, ASMODAL, ASCOBAT, COMATOS, ERIONAS, PROFAS, ALKOMAS, CONAMAS, PAPUENDOS, OSIANDOS, ESPIACENT, DAMNATH, EHERES, GOLADES, TELANTES, COPHI, ZADES, ye Angels of God be present, for I invoke ye in my work, so that through you it may find virtue and accomplishment. Amen.

After this repeat Psalms cxxxi. xv.; cii.; viii. lxxxiv.; lxviii.; lxxii.; cxxxiii.; cxiii.; cxxvi.; xlvi. xlvii.; xxii.; li.; cxxx.; cxxxix. xlix. cx.; liii.; and say:--

I exorcise thee, O Creature of Wax (or of Earth), that through the Holy Name of God and His Holy Angels thou receive blessing, so that thou mayest be sanctified and blessed, and obtain the virtue which we desire, through the Most Holy Name of ADONAI. Amen.

Sprinkle the wax and put it aside for use; but take note that the Earth which should be dug up with thy hands should be prepared every time thou hast need thereof.

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Can you kill yourself with a voodoo doll?

A some time ago I was asked on the old Yahoo Answers if it was possible to kill one's self with a voodoo doll. Here was my answer:

There are folks who make voodoo dolls of themselves (usually for positive reasons... not all voodoo dolls are used for evil.) Assuming you made the doll correctly, I suppose there's possible ill effect that could come of maltreating it -- in theory anyway. You'd have to be deliberately trying to harm yourself. (And note that 'insanity' was a common effect of old-time claimed to come from use of voodoo dolls... and you'd probably have to be a bit insane to want to do this to begin with.)
[... D]espite what Hollywood shows, actions on voodoo dolls, even traditionally, are not usually believed to be instantaneously effected nor necessarily literally effected. For example: if you cut off a voodoo doll's leg it doesn't mean that the victim's leg just suddenly falls off. Traditional accounts state that the victim's leg starts developing symptoms that gradually render the leg useless or may require it to be amputated.
So for example, doing something like putting a doll of yourself into a blender with the deliberate and sincere intent that you should kill yourself from this action (and that this isn't just about destroying the doll in some way) would probably at most yield a long and gradual illness that would eventually destroy your body's ability to operate.
A traditional thing to do with voodoo dolls was to bury them in graves or cover them in blood to work their effects. In these cases the dolls might not even necessarily be 'destroyed' or 'injured' but it was rather the treatment -- mimicking a desired situation -- that was believed to bring the hoped-for curse.

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