Things That Once Were Caused by Voodoo Curses

evil magic spell workings

It used to be said that the practice of hoodoo and other folk magic would be eliminated by better education. To a degree this had been true. Some examples of things that in the past were thought to be caused by hoodoo but which now are rarely attributed to such (if indeed these diseases are still suffered at all) --

  • infected wounds causing swollen limbs and death
  • impotence
  • swollen abdomen 
  • tapeworm and other parasites
  • insanity/schizophrenia

There is also an ongoing belief in certain parts of the world that AIDS is caused by (and thus can be cured by) magic.

Evidence that they're not caused exclusively by witchcraft can be easily found. For instance, once modern medicine created antibiotics and an enhanced understanding of cleanliness, reports of being "hoodooed" to cause swollen limbs became rather rare -- even if other types of hexes remain commonplace. Reports of "live things" also nearly vanished once better sanitation and food preparation practices made parasites rare. 

Curses are real and can have devastating results, potentially including the above mentioned. However, it is no longer common to believe that ALL cases of these illnesses are induced by curses or only cured through magic. 

If you think you've been cursed with unnatural illness, try this uncrossing spell that's been used with success.