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Showing posts from June, 2020

Lamkin, Long Lankin, Bilankin -- An Old English Murder Ballad

I've been amusing myself with terrifying old murder ballads. Here's one from Francis James Child's collection that should be turned into a Hollywood film any day now. 93F.1 SAID my lord to his ladye, as he mounted his horse, (bis) Take care of Long Lankyn, who lies in the moss. (bis) 93F.2 Said my lord to his ladye, as he rode away, Take care of Long Lankyn, who lies in the clay. 93F.3 Let the doors be all bolted, and the windows all pinned, And leave not a hole for a mouse to creep in. 93F.4 Then he kissed his fair ladye, and he rode away; He must be in London before break of day. 93F.5 The doors were all bolted, and the windows were pinned, All but one little window, where Long Lankyn crept in. 93F.6 ‘Where is the lord of this house?’ said Long Lankyn: ‘He is gone to fair London,’ said the false nurse to him. 93F.7 ‘Where is the ladye of this house?’ said Long Lankyn: ‘She’s asleep in her chamber,’ said the false nurse to him. 93F.8 ‘Where is t...