Probably 95% of the work I do is some sort of love spell magic. It might be for new love or it might be breakup work to remove a rival. Most typically it is work designed to return a lost lover.
Yes, spells to return lost lovers are the single most common request I get. I do not encourage feedback about any of my spells for reasons described on my FAQ. But it happens sometimes that I am hired for love work, and late in the game (too late to go back and undo anything) the client reveals they had withheld information or provided deliberately misleading information about the situation. When this happens I often see any hope for success vanish, because by giving me wrong information they had caused me to use the wrong type of spell.
Honesty is Key to Successful Spellcasting
Here's the thing about love work: the magic doesn't care about how flattering your retelling of the situation is. Honesty is important.
Compare to if a man goes to the medical doctor because he has vomiting and flatulence, but he thinks that this sounds too embarrassing to admit, and so he claims that he's there because of a headache. Perhaps he imagines that pills are the same so it shouldn't matter, wrongly presuming that all pills are the same thing. The doctor will ask him some questions about the headache and maybe even schedule tests, but likely will find nothing wrong in the head, and therefore will send the man home with the problem unresolved. Had he told the truth, the doctor could have recognized (let us say) a food allergy as the problem and prescribed an appropriate course of action; but instead everybody's resources were wasted.
If your lover left you because you were abusive, and she took out a restraining order, do not tell your spellworker that she left "because her mother doesn't approve." If they left because they felt betrayed by you after you cheated, don't claim "he is too busy with his work to give time to a relationship." If you genuinely did nothing wrong and she simply ran off with someone else, don't say "She still loves me." (And definitely disclose that she's with another person! Magic spells to bring back lost lovers don't make a person stop loving someone else, and it's going to be essential to cast a breakup spell in such a situation. Not mentioning the rival makes a waste of any love work.)
It's hardly ever happened that I've refused to do work on moral grounds, and in those few, very rare instances it was because a situation made me too uncomfortable to be able to enthusiastically perform a spellcast rather than out of any desire to shame or punish the person inquiring for it. Most of the time, I really don't care on a judgmental level why it is you need the work done -- but I do care if you waste energy and put the spirits under needless stress by giving misleading information about what's going on. Not to mention I really do feel bad if I take money for spells that I know probably won't work -- this is why I want to be able to refuse cases that I know will not work. Lying or giving deceptive information makes it impossible for me to accurately judge what's happening or is likely to happen, and that doesn't help anyone including you. You cannot get a remedy for the problem if you're deliberately trying to mislead as to what the problem is.
Why It’s Important to Understand What You’re Buying
Recently had a situation of a type that is thankfully rare, but nevertheless unsettling because I try to make sure it never happens -- a customer who already purchased a spellcast changed their mind about it. In this case the reason was that they had apparently not read the FAQ or the other information about buying a magic spell before making their purchase, and didn't ask basic questions about what was being promised until after the spell was bought by them and supplies ordered by me. Several days after buying the spell it occurred to them to ask what my guarantees were, and they immediately wanted a refund when I answered that there is no guarantee. I gave them a partial refund for the portion of the services not yet rendered, but with any service-based purchase it is your job to be clear on what you are buying before you buy it. The FAQ, as well as several other pages on this site, strive to make it absolutely clear that there are no guarantees that your magic spell will "work" in some specific way. I promise to cast your spell according to traditional methods -- what results if any will be produced by that casting are not in my control after that.
There are reasons I that I make it hard to email me without reading a bunch of information first. I want you to know what you're getting, and I don't want to deal with disappointed customers who had expectations based on things I never promised. Read the FAQ, and if you still have questions after that, email me.
What Happens After You Order a Spell
When customers come to me requesting a spellcast, I usually have a few questions for them before deciding if I'll agree to the work. These questions of course will vary depending on what information the customer has given me already, and what kind of spell they want.
If the customer has forgotten to tell me what kind of spell they want or what purpose the spell is for, of course I will inquire about that.
If the spell is meant to be directed at someone else -- especially if it's to influence another's thoughts or actions -- I will ask questions about how well they know the person or how long it's been since they were last in contact. Sometimes I will ask if they have any personal items from the target, and I might refuse to cast the spell if they can't offer any.
Customer inquiries often fail to mention how many days of work they're looking for. In such cases I, of course, have to ask about that. I can spot a person who hasn't read the FAQ pages when I ask how many days they want and they don't know what I'm talking about or assume that I'm asking how fast they want the spell to work.
Once everything is settled and assuming I agree to perform the magic spell, I send the person a money request through Paypal. When I do this, I expect it to be paid within 3 days or else I cancel the money request and move on. Most people pay right away -- and once they're paid up, I can begin ordering the necessary spell supplies for their castings.