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Fire Burn and Cauldron Bubble - How to Light a Witch's Fire

It's not unusual to find magic spells -- especially Wiccan style ones, or older hoodoo works -- where objects are thrown into a fire and burnt in order to unleash their effect. This is often done indoors in a small cauldron or fireproof bowl that will fit atop an altar. 

copper cauldron magic spell

If you've ever done this, however, you might have found most of your mental energy devoted to simply keeping the fire going and getting your items to actually burn. Common fuels like paper scraps, lit charcoal and piles of matchsticks often don't produce adequate heat to really burn ritual items -- even in cases where the item being burnt is just more paper and dried herbs!

Recently I had the disappointment of a spell that requires burning small pieces of onion proving too moist for the pathetic piece of charcoal I had going (which the spell's original author had even recommended for creating the fire.) Not only did the coal make the house stink of lighter fluid, but it wasn't proving any better at producing heat than scraps of computer paper -- themselves barely effective at producing even a small, short-lived flame that I found quenched at once by even the tiniest piece of onion peeling.

And so, I had to figure out something better for getting fires going. And after a few tests, I found the answer!

firelighters for magic spells

These look like delicious Easter candy, but make no mistake -- these are powerful firelighters that can keep your cauldron burning full blast. 

They are very simple to make: melt some wax in a double-boiler, and simply dip cotton balls into it, then set the balls on tinfoil to cool. Make sure when you dip that you leave some of the cotton free -- this exposed cotton is what you will light later on. Any wax at all may be used for this project -- I happened to have a lot of leftover yellow wax from a large candle I'd reshaped, but any wax at all will do: old candles, spoiled lipstick, leftover paraffin treatments -- I have even seen someone make these from a box of melted down crayons. 

If you plan to use these indoors, I advise no more than two be used. Trust me, these burn very hot and very high! You might need additional kindling depending on what you are burning.

Bright flames compared to the meager fizzle of the fire without the lighting balls.

As always, use caution when burning fires indoors -- keep a pan of water or a fire extinguisher handy just in case things get out of hand, and of course don't light fires near curtains, clothing, books or other flammable objects. 

magical flames can be deadly

As a spiritual practitioner, I have probably burnt thousands of candles in my life. And through it all, I've never burnt my house down, and in fact have had many worse fire threats from electrical equipment than I have had from open flames. Still, fear of fires are a big issue for many people, and over 9,000 fires a year are started by candles. Here are some tips for safe candle burning at home:

Make sure your candle is securely set up.

You don't want your candle falling out of its holder or being knocked down while it burns. Make sure that your candle is sitting securely in its burner before lighting it, and consider melting the bottom of the candle to secure it before lighting it -- dipping the end in hot water to soften it and then mashing it into the holder works well for some.

Choose a safe holder.  

Never burn a candle without some kind of a fireproof holder. Not all holders are fireproof as there are some unfortunate models made from flammable materials like wood and plastic which are meant for decoration rather than function. Instead try to choose holders made from metal or ceramic. Also remember that melted wax is not only messy, but that flames can travel through it (it is, after all, fuel.) It's advisable to set your candelabra or candlestick upon a fireproof tray or dish to catch any falling wax drips.

Burn candles in an isolated, empty space.

You don't want visitors, children or pets tampering with your candles while they burn. You don't really even want yourself to be there knocking things around. Find a location where no one goes and where there is little to no "stuff" nearby -- and this includes above and below the candles. Keep the candles at least 12 inches out of reach to anything that could catch fire. Of course, also choose a place that is accessible to you, so that you can reach the candles easily if a problem appears despite your precautions.

Keep water, baking soda or fire extinguishers nearby.

In the event that there is a problem with your candle flame, being able to put it out in a hurry makes the difference between a forgettable incident and a horrible event. Dumping water or baking soda on a little fire will swiftly end the matter. (But note that when using water on an oil fire, the flame must be doused thoroughly or else it can simply flare up higher.) A larger fire might require an extinguisher.

With due care, you'll be able to safely leave candles burning for days at a time.

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