A black dress, a pointy hat, buckled shoes. Classic witch outfit. But why is this the classic outfit? One sees speculations in occult books, often times being presented as if this has been the "witch outfit" for thousands of years. Reasons are offered, such as that the conical hat channels energy into the head, or that black clothing is for protection, etc. The facts, however, are a bit more mundane...

Depictions of pointy-hatted witches seem to begin during the 18th century -- and it is surely no coincidence that this was the same era in which witches came to be viewed as old-time superstitions and witch-hunts went on the decline or were even outlawed. Witches being relics of the past, it became normal to depict them in old-fashioned clothes. Famous cases from the pointy-hat era such as the Salem Witch Trials and the Pendle Witches helped cement the association of these fashions with witchcraft. The illustration above is circa 1715, from a book about the history of witchcraft.
Though the original 17th century hats tended to have a flattened or rounded top, the 18th century depictions started to be done with sharp points at the top. Perhaps it was due to artists misunderstanding an outmoded fashion, or perhaps it was deliberately done to twist the old time fashions and make them look more frightening. There was also a kind of peasant's hat sometimes seen with a pointed peak -- maybe this was presumed to be the witch's model.
While through the 18th century one can still find witches depicted with veils or kerchiefs or other blunt headwear, by the 19th century the pointy-hatted witch in old-fashioned clothes was standard shorthand for "wicked witch."