How to Control your Emotions for Effective Magic Spells - Staying occupied While Spells Manifest

Never lose sight of the fact that what you fear you attract. What you hope for an believe in you create; for mind is magnetic and attracts to itself whatever it frequently thinks about. It is fatal to parley with a thought one does not wish to entertain. Instantly it must be replaced with a concept, good and encouraging. 

-- L. W. De Laurence, The Master Key. 

stressed out emotional mind woman

As has been discussed before on this blog many times, it is important when casting spells or having magic spells cast for you, to regulate your emotions and not fall into the trap of negative mentality. Of course it's probably impossible not to have little moments or instances of doubt or worry, but lengthy terms of anxiousness, concern and fretfulness can do great injury to the power of your spell. In spiritual matters, the mental plane can wield great influence over the outcomes and happenings of your magic.

The famous magician and seller of spiritual goods, L.W. De Laurence, has the following advice for those who are in danger of ruining their own work with evil thinking:

When you center your mind on one idea you oppose (inhibit) ideas antagonistic or opposite in character. Thus, you cannot love and hate a person in one act of thought, in the same breath, as it were. This gives the great rule for the breaking up of habits, and for all thought-control. To overcome the power of a thought you must employ another thought to drive it out. 
The Value Of Inhibition. — The value of inhibition is shown by the use to which it is put. Thus (1) It is the beginning of the training of the will, (2) it is the foundation of thought-control, (3) it is the foundation of all psycho-therapeutic treatment where will-power is at fault, (4) it is the starting point of self-denial, (5) it is a check to impulse, (6) it brings great and true benefits to the nerves. Prom the above it will be clear to you that inhibition is the fundamental factor in the development of character. To the man who employs it constantly day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, it will constantly reveal new possibilities.   
How To Train Your Powers Of Inhibition. — Begin the training of your powers of inhibition by simple little acts of denial or forbidding. First attack your desires, next your impulses, and then your thoughts. (d) How To Check Desire. — You are accustomed to smoke a pipe, cigarette, or cigar every day, say after breakfast. Refuse to do it for one day, do something else instead. You are in the habit of drinking a glass of water, ale, wine, or spirits at lunch or dinner. Refuse to do this for one day — go without. You have a strong desire to go to a theater, or other place of amusement. Check the desire for once — do not go. There are a number of little things which you are accus- tomed to do every day, or once or twice a week. Choose one of these little things each day, and refuse to give way to the desire which it expresses. Do not choose the same thing every da/y; the law of habit will be either too strong for you or the neryous disturbance will be too severe. By a constant change each day you are laying the foundation of your power of inhibition, and you are traming your unU- power by easy stages. 
How To Check Impulse. — An impulsive act is one that is done without thinking, without deliberation. The way, therefore, to check impulses is to think over quietly to what kinds of impulse you are liable, and to determine to check these in future. Your awareness of the impulse, and your intention to check it, are the lines of attack. When the impulse tends to manifest itself, your intention (made previously) to check it will rise at the same moment through association, repetition, and the law of habit. Many people have an impulse to steal, but every time the impulse rises there comes with it the thought of the consequences that may follow the act of theft, and hence they refuse to obey the impulse. By knowing the impulses you are liable to, and determining beforehand not to give way to them on their appearance, you will find that in time the check will manifest itself, automatically with the impulse. 
How To Attack Unwelcome Thoughts. — The rule for attacking unwelcome thoughts is simple. Every time the unwelcome thought arises switch your mind on to some other thought, opposite in character. Thus, if someone has done you an injury, switch the mind to someone of whom it is always pleasant to think, or if you at first find this difficult, set to work on some task that will engage the mind, and so shut out the thought of injury. The natural tendency of the mind to wander will help you, and you will find, with constant practice, that it becomes easier and easier to shut out disturbing thoughts. Do not mind a few failures. The law of habit will help you to conquer, if you will but persevere.
The question of how long professionally cast spells will take to manifest their results, is a subject that many people get hung up on. People will even delay buying spells for weeks -- because they worry the results won't come fast enough for their taste!

The fact of the matter is that it's out of anyone's control -- once a spell is cast, it's cast. The practitioner can no longer influence it.

In fact, the more one obsesses on 'how long it will take' to see results from a magic spell, the longer it can actually cause it to take!

Overthinking is the murder of many a spell, yet, it is often the case that when some event was important enough to you that you felt the need to cast a spell for in the first place, it can be very difficult not to think and fret about the outcome while you wait for results! 

Back in '10 I had a rather unpleasant conversation with a friend who practiced religious Voodoo (when you just do folk magic hoodoo, talking with the true Voodoos about magic is often not a fun experience, I find -- it's like being a health vegetarian and trying to find common ground with a moral fruitarian.) This story came of it:

I made a remark about how love spells usually don't work (this was actually meant in a general sense, not in terms of my own personal workings) and was then accused by my friend of not having enough faith and that my lack of faithfulness is what ruined "my spells."

Now, try wrapping your head around the logic of this accusation. My most triumphant magical exploits were born from a murky brew of skepticism and cautious expectation. You can't dive headfirst into casting spells if you're convinced it's all a crock. It's a dance with the supernatural, a delicate waltz of belief and doubt. Yet, according to my sage companion, my half-hearted approach was the grim reaper of my mystical pursuits.

And let's talk about the sheer cruelty of it. Ever had a spell fizzle out like a damp firework? It's not just a failure; it's a gut-punch of disappointment. But here's the kicker – now they're pointing the finger, saying it's YOUR FAULT for not having "enough" of that elusive, abstract concept they call faith.

Now, my Voodoo friend claims her love spells always work. She didn't give examples, and I am not too interested in talking to her on the subject again, but honestly I've found in my researches (many researches!) that about half or more of "successful" love spells weren't permanent successes anyway, and would be interested to see if that's so for her as well.

That's the other thing: there's more than one way to mark success. Perhaps the trouble isn't in faith but in expectation. 

Perhaps this is why the majority of magical practitioners tend to be such unhappy people... yeah you heard me. It isn't all fun and games. It's hard work. We don't just cast an "Endless Wealth" spell and never have to fret again about money or work or freedom. 

Real magic takes time and effort, and the results one can expect, in general, will be only as grand as befits one's preexisting life situation (so for example, if you're a millionaire already and have a life set up such that millions of dollars might actually be in access to you, a spell to make you get a million dollars may actually work. Meanwhile, if you earn $600 a month and always have, with no reason to expect that circumstance to drastically change in the near future, a spell to make you an immediate millionaire probably will not succeed... you'd need to do lots of other types of work beforehand in order to position yourself so as to be able to receive such windfalls.)

What does one do when one's life isn't going as wished? Lots and lots of spells. But they can't be done willy-nilly -- they must be calculated and able to produce good effect.

ideas and mentality in magic

There is a common observation amongst magical practitioners: Fretting about a spell leads to less satisfactory results. Some people blame it on "negative energy" and insist the solution is to stay positive or to have faith in the spell. Others say that just putting the spell out of your mind altogether is the best protection against worrying a spell to death. Whichever the case, worry and fret is a great hindrance to successful magic.

While human emotions can't always be applied to spirits, I can say that when I get a customer who is very worried about their spell, if they keep it to themselves, I feel a lot more comfortable working on the case; comparatively, when I get a customer who is constantly emailing me for updates and asking lots of questions about when the spell will work -- or worse, is writing me with threats of suicide if the spell fails or lamenting that this is my last hope -- I don't enjoy working with them at all. If the spirits feel likewise, I can totally understand. Who wants to be around an unhappy person who is trying to make you feel as unhappy as themselves? 

Of course, it's not always possible to put a spell out of your mind altogether, especially when it comes to very emotion-based issues that will tend to peek back into your thoughts at random; but even then, to rest all your hopes on the spell and rely on it to produce your desired outcome is almost never appropriate. The reason you fret about a spell is because you've put an excessive importance on it. 

One of the benefits of using a spellcaster to perform a spell for you is that a person who is not personally involved in the situation, and who therefore has a cooler head, can do the work for you without contamination by negative energy. However, if you're contacting your caster constantly trying to make them as panicked as you are, that benefit tends to go away. What might seem to a client like trying to emphasize the importance of the work in hopes that the caster will do an "extra good job" to make it succeed, to the caster might make the job repugnant and difficult to perform adequately due to the negative associations now made with the client. The fact is, the caster probably understands that the magical work is important to you. Explaining that is not necessary. Most casters find the work is important to them, as well, and enjoy putting their effort to help solve problems. 

Al G. Manning says in his book The Magic of New Ishtar Power that there are more helpful spirits around us than harmful ones. Yet many hoodoo spell casters observe that harmful work is easier to do than helpful work. Perhaps it is the negative mindset of worry that puts off the helpfulness around us.

love hearts
There's a forum I used to hang around on, before I was doing spells and readings professionally... it was mostly a place for people who'd been using psychics, spellcasters and whatnot to share their experiences with one another (and pretty much every person there -- including me -- was a woman who was using spells and psychics for problems in romantic matters, usually concerning some specific person they were chasing.) We were all comparing stories on there... and we found, from each others' reports, that most psychics seem to like to give positive readings on love matters... and, I suspect having seen and experienced what I did, that it's because the lovelorn prefer to go back to those ones who gave happy readings over and over; whenever things seem to go poorly they want to hear that reassurance that things will be ok eventually with the guy. The alleged psychics and fortune tellers either know this and deliberately play to it to get more business, or, they maybe legitimately want to help and just recognize that it makes the clients more happy to hear pleasant things that give them hope. 

Even the best psychic I ever went to always gave readings claiming the guy I was after at the time was interested in me, and he just needed time to come around, and she foresaw us being together eventually... (We never did get together. Years passed before I gave up.) She'd get details on the nose about what she saw having happened already, and even when I'd go to her for predictions about non-love matters she was usually right, but her love predictions always were favorable about me and that guy... and always wrong. 

I also personally am always wary of anyone, at this point, who will claim a person is "your soul mate." That's unprovable stuff but is probably what everyone wants to hear about someone they're paying money to have a reading about. It chases me off almost as fast as the opposite group, the "there's a terrible curse holding you apart" group who then make you pay for some kind of mega expensive spell to remove the curse (these ones will usually skip town or shut down their website soon as they get the money. I had a few of them as well, they also use the "Soul Mate, meant to be together" stuff, too.)

From time to time clients indicate surprise that I've given them less positive readings than other readers on love matters. My suspicion about why they're getting favorable things from multiple other readers is that they've found someone who panders and placates to the lovelorn, just like I and everyone else on that forum found. 

(And I don't think anyone, as long as I was on that forum, ever got the guy they were after.)

It's rare that a spell will bring instant results, especially if the work involves people other than yourself (i.e. is meant to effect or influence another person.) Here are some tricks to pass the time while you wait:

Get your chakras in balance. This is new age hoodoo, but very popular. According to some schools of thought, doing this can make it much easier for the good things in life to come to you, and negative feelings will be eliminated immediately if the chakras are flowing well. There are several ways chakra opening can be done, including meditation, use of gem stones, or the Ishtar Quickie Chants. The website Eclectic Energies's Opening the Chakras page also has some good advice.

Entertain yourself. Watch movies, visit fun websites -- just keep yourself in good spirits.

Take Cleansing Baths. Eliminating negative energies can only be helpful, and ending obsession is definitely important. Scott Cunningham's "Break The Habit Bath" from The Complete Book of Incense, Oils and Brews consists of rosemary, lavender, lemongrass, lemon verbena and sage together to create healing and uncrossing energies that can help with this. 

Brain dump. This can really help you get some mental clarity. Many people do this daily in small doses by posting embarrassing things about themselves on Facebook. You can do this without having to share the info with anyone -- just use your word processor and type whatever comes to mind. No one will see it so it doesn't need to be smart or even sensible. But hey, many a poet works this way, maybe you'll get something worth saving! Do this exercise as often as you need. 

At Hoodoo Online, we know working magic can be a demanding task for both the client and the practitioner, and so with these tips it is hopeful that you can find the perfect state of calm needed to make your desires most ready to manifest!

If the student wishes to get his mind under control he should cultivate the habit of avoiding hurry, which is one of the first things to undermine the growth and expansion of its powers. Some people do not come under the category of hurry, but they worry, which is almost as bad. Where Concentration is aimed at the mind shoud be like the surface of a lake, which permits reflection, but both worry and hurry ruffle its surface, so that it can no longer fulfil its proper function, which is to hold and meditate upon. Hurry and worry cause a ceaseless agitation, a turning back of the mind upon itself, a going over the same chain of thought in the endeavor to find a solution to some pressing question. It is well known that in such cases the solution is rarely forthcoming by such a method, any more than a name of a fact which escapes the memory for the moment is recalled by intense thinking. It is when the mind is relaxed, when it has gone along another line that the missing information is ushered into the consciousness, or brought forth from the inner recesses of the mind to the objective portion of it. 
How can the hurry habit be most effectively checked? Not always by trying to induce a state of peace within the mind, but by the removal of one of the potent causes of it -- the attempt at doing too much and the undue or exaggerated importance we attach to things.
-- L.W. De Laurence, The Master Key