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What to Do When Love Spell "Backfires"?

love letters spelled

A lot of people who cast love spells do so with an inherent fear that it might 'backfire.' They expect this. They buy their spell and want to know what will happen if the spell backfires.

Most people who hold this belief seem to consider it something akin to the 'karma' rule of magic, wherein it's perceived that magic or certain types of magic are bad or evil and that they will cause bad or evil to come back on the person who uses them.

Not all magical systems believe in this, and not all practitioners of magic believe in this.

Most reported cases of backfiring I hear, sound to my nonbelieving senses to be either unrelated accidents or misfortunes that just happened to occur shortly after a spellcast and are attributed to 'backfiring' (these are things like broken appliances, failing job interviews, minor accidents or injuries -- stuff that has nothing to do with love or the love spell) OR, the spell producing unintended negative consequences.

In this latter case, the result is often caused by a failure to understand the targeted person's mental state or life condition. The fact is that a spell does not make a person act contrary to common sense or their own personality, and if the spell is leading them to do something totally unreasonable or out of character,  they might rebel -- or enact it -- in unexpected ways.

Example: One man, "Michael", on whom love spells were being put, had seemed to be very interested in the lady "Georgia", who was pursuing him magically -- at least, right until the spells which were hoped to push him to declare his affections were actually cast. Afterwards, instead of behaving more passionately toward Georgia, he instead became very cold towards the lady. Some readings were done to investigate, and revealed the cause: the love spells were causing Michael to be too attracted to her, to the point where he was afraid to interact with her because he feared not being able to control himself; and then this pent-up emotion was making him moody whenever Georgia did put herself into contact with him.

Another Example: "Calinda" was after a man who barely knew her from a hole in the wall. Calinda put several heavy love spells on him to inspire him to return her affections. Unfortunately, this fellow -- who happened to be a Virgo, a notoriously prudish sign -- was mostly just becoming annoyed by these strange emotions with no reasonable basis that he could see. He was oddly interested, and always civil, to Calinda, but did not ever succumb to an interest for romance with her. Eventually her obvious pursuit of him became an annoyance and he ceased to communicate with her.

Another: "Stephen" loved "Melissa" and did a spell to make her love and desire him. Melissa hated Stephen and found him unpleasant every moment they spent together, even though when he was away she seemed to long for him in a curious way. This unnatural behavior made her suspect that he was using some form of love magic on her, and after a thorough search of her home, she discovered the charm that Stephen had hidden in her drawer. She destroyed the magic and never saw Stephen again.

This actually shows another warning with magic, one that folks don't think about -- most people fear this imagined "backfiring" and yet, almost everyone believes that they want The Most Powerful Spell Ever to win love. Too powerful a spell, as we have seen, can negatively overwhelm a person and maybe even alert them that their emotions are unnatural. 


Frankly it will depend on the exact situation. A reading to determine the next step is advised. There are generally two courses of possibility:

  • Stop and/or undo the existing spells that were cast.
  • Continue working spells but add another spell to counteract the negative effects.

Whatever the case, DO NOT PANIC. Stay calm -- if possible, pretend like you don't even know there's a problem, until such time as you have your solution devised. Persistence is often key when it comes to love magic, and patience is an aspect of that.

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