A lot of people who cast love spells do so with an inherent fear that it might 'backfire.' They expect this. They buy their spell and want to know what will happen if the spell backfires . Most people who hold this belief seem to consider it something akin to the 'karma' rule of magic, wherein it's perceived that magic or certain types of magic are bad or evil and that they will cause bad or evil to come back on the person who uses them. Not all magical systems believe in this, and not all practitioners of magic believe in this. Most reported cases of backfiring I hear, sound to my nonbelieving senses to be either unrelated accidents or misfortunes that just happened to occur shortly after a spellcast and are attributed to 'backfiring' (these are things like broken appliances, failing job interviews, minor accidents or injuries -- stuff that has nothing to do with love or the love spell) OR, the spell producing unintended negative consequen...
Folklore, magic, facts and fiction from Talia Felix and hoodoo-online.com where those who need magic can DO MAGIC.