I had been looking for information about the use of oil lamps, and came instead across this clever little method for making an oil burning lamp, in a jar!
In hoodoo style magic spells, oil lamps are used like candles for setting lights on petitions. The lamp oil is mixed with conjure formulas and other magical ingredients in order to work its power. They are popular in regions where the weather is often too hot for wax or fat candles to be kept without danger of melting in storage.
In hoodoo style magic spells, oil lamps are used like candles for setting lights on petitions. The lamp oil is mixed with conjure formulas and other magical ingredients in order to work its power. They are popular in regions where the weather is often too hot for wax or fat candles to be kept without danger of melting in storage.
These lamps are essential tools in Afro-Caribbean magical practices, as well as American hoodoo traditions that have been influenced thereby. Known for their versatility and effectiveness, these lamps are used for communication with spirits, protection, command, and manifestation. Their construction and use combine practical elements with deep symbolic significance, making them central to many rituals and spells. Their ability to burn various oils and wicks, combined with additional magical ingredients, allows practitioners to tailor lamps to their specific needs.
In these systems of magic, lamps often represent the presence of spiritual forces. The flame serves as a beacon, attracting energies, spirits, or deities, while also symbolizing clarity, transformation, and persistence.