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Prayer Against Voodoo

praying hands against witchcraft and voodoo

Author: MrPastor77

Title: Prayer Against Voodoo.
Copyrighted © 2010 By MrPastor77.
All Rights Reserved.

Father God, the only TRUE living God. The God of this whole universe and everything made. The God who said in Genesis 1:1, "Let there be light our father who is in heaven". Father God this person listening to this prayer is being attacked by voodoo spells that have been placed on them and they want it to be removed. Father God anoint, give life to, and fill with power, every word that is going to come out of my mouth in Jesus Christ name.

Voodoo CURSES Fall
Father God every voodoo enchantments spoken toward this person hearing this, cancel them all and curse those curses sent toward them. Have every word spoken at them to fall and have every enchantment that has be successful, put it's evil works to a standstill, and undo every evil thing that enchantment was sent out to do in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Against the Weapons of Voodoo (Spells)
Father God there are earthly things used from nature, when used the wrong way by the people of darkness can cause serious harm to others, so I want you to make invalid the powers of each of these earthly things and render them powerless when used to cause harm to the person listening to this.
Anyone using:
- Graveyard Dust or Goofer Dust.
- Black Ants.
- Aunt Sally's Dream Oil.
- Bat's Blood.
- Bats Eye.
- Dove's Heart.
- Voodoo Magic Powder.
Render them all POWERLESS in Jesus Christ name.

Voodoo Dolls Pt I (Breaking Curse)
Father God the satanic worshipers who sent the voodoo spells toward this person listening to this, mite also have a voodoo doll with a picture of their face on it symbolizing them, and using sticking of pins into the doll to strengthen and direct the spells they casting. Father God make ineffective the power of the black pins, known as Mojo, to cause mental problems and to make stronger the results.

Voodoo Dolls Pt II (Breaking Curse)
Father God there are symbols and pictures on the voodoo dolls where pins are stuck into, let them have no effect, make it unproductive, stop these curses from moving forward.

*Airplane (Travel, journey, route)
*Dollar (Money, prosperity, finances, assets, credit)
*Briefcase (Job, success, business, employment)
*Angel (Guardian spirit, virtues, powers, protection, spiritual)
*Lips (Passion, seduction, infatuation, intensity, sex appeal)
*Skull & Crossbones (Poison, evil, frighten)
*Thundercloud (Weather, climate, air temperature, strike)

Against Voodoo Spirits Pt 1
Father God concealed forces working under the power of voodoo magic, powers of darkness, dark magic spirits of the night, dark forces, dark entities, voodoo spirits that come as shadows, father God chain up every single one of them right this instant in Jesus Christ name.

Against Voodoo Spirits Pt 2
Father God there are evil spirits of voodoo attached to this person listening to this. It's not dwelling in their spirit but it's following them, watching them. It's still tampering with things they own. Their causing injures to them, causing misfortune, destruction, making them feel sad, feeding off their emotions. Father God send a death strike towards every last demon of voodoo harassing this person listening to this in name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Voodoo Spirit (Removal) The FINAL
If there is a spirit of Voodoo in this person's life, dwelling in this person's spirit present yourself. Jesus Christ of Nazareth has died and resurrected from the dead thus you are DEFEATED.
Father God, have the Blood of Jesus Christ to cancel all the spirit of voodoo assignments and render the spirit of voodoo and all the other demons it has joined up with powerless in Jesus Christ name.
Evil curses, generational curses, charms, vexes, hexes, spells, jinxes, psychic powers, that have been put upon this person or their family line going back as far as ten generations break these satanic rituals and curses, break their hold. Break it's power over them. I command you by the authority of Jesus Christ spirit of voodoo to loose this person listening to this Father God DETACH and LOOSE this person from the spirit of voodoo in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.


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About the Author

Religion: Christian

Occupation: Assistant Pastor

Chruch: Global Faith Ministries

Speciality: Prayers

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