Negativity is an unfortunately easy way to kill a spell's working, even if it was otherwise an effective spell: at least, this is generally found to be the case by those who commonly deal in magic. Those who are casting a spell in desperation are particularly prone to this mindset. Now, admittedly it is not a good idea to turn to magic out of desperation anyway -- magic is put to best and most effective use when it's used with familiarity as a supplement to one's usual routine rather than something turned to with hopes of instant miracles. You might compare it to a person who opens a jar of face cream and uses it once expecting it will instantly and permanently cure all their beauty woes, versus the person who uses the cream with frequency. The frequent user will tend to be happier with the results achieved. Nevertheless, whether you used magic as a last resort or whether it's a supplement to some particularly worrisome situation, everyone needs a little hel...
Folklore, magic, facts and fiction from Talia Felix and where those who need magic can DO MAGIC.