my hoodoo site, it is rare that I'm asked for a money spell that isn't just a get-rich-quick spell. Sometimes the client assures me that they know someone else who became rich by using a spell; but typically a little investigation shows one person or the other is greatly exaggerating or else using a very loose definition of the word "rich."
Let's face it, if hoodoo and voodoo were good at making people instantly wealthy, 19th century black slaves would have just routinely bought their freedom, and probably would have come to run the whole country due to their fabulous riches.
Not to mention if it could be done so simply and fast, probably nobody would cast spells professionally -- we magicians would just cast an instant riches spell on ourselves and never work again.
Magic will always take the path of least resistance, and unless you're just a step away from becoming rich already, a spell won't cause such an event to happen -- not immediately, at least. However, it is not to say that your finances can't be much improved with hoodoo magic properly applied. Remember, magic is not a last resort. it cannot be relied upon to do exactly what you want whenever you want it; but it can provide many benefits if you are patient and have reasonable expectations.
For those who would like to gain luxuries and wealth, Venus incense should be burned every day to attract such things. Also using a Road Opener spell to make possibe more chances for large amounts of money to enter your life should be used.
And most of all, don't forget what was said in Aradia:
Money I ne’er give, ’tis clear;
Only help to thee, my dear!
Money magic spells can provide a useful boost to your finances.

Magic will probably not make you an overnight millionaire or cause money to appear in your bank account without rhyme or reason. Magic, however, can cause an increase in finances by being used effectively and responsibly to improve your business success, sales abilities, or just your good luck. Magic really can lead you to wealth and riches provided you are willing to be patient and do what is needed for enormous financial gains (hint: it usually involves going into business for yourself.) Expecting a cheap spellcast to set you up for life without any further work is inappropriate, but one spell can make noticeable improvements if done with reasonable expectations.
And yet, even better than spells to get money are spells to get the know-how to get money. I recommend King Solomon Wisdom spells for anyone that wishes to acquire wealth and success for themselves. Knowledge is power, and knowing how to make money sets you up for a happy and prosperous future.
Ever wonder if maybe inflation is caused by all those people out there casting spells and making prayers to become a millionaire? Maybe that's how the universe is trying to answer them -- make it so that a millionaire is nothing! If a loaf of Roman Meal costs a million dollars, you're still technically a millionaire if you can buy one.
Rarely at
Hoodoo Online, formerly Lucky Temple Magic Spells am I asked to help someone build gradual wealth. Instead, people nearly always want spells for instant riches. But think of it this way -- if all it took to gain instant riches was one simple little spell that then just dumps endless money into your lap, wouldn't
I just cast the spell for myself, and then not have to work anymore?
As I have mentioned in some of my spellcast books, hoodoo traditionally emphasizes gambling, job, and business spells as the means for a person to gain more money. That is because these are the methods most people use to earn money in normal living conditions, and hoodoo, like all magic, doesn't produce "supernatural" results that wouldn't be explainable by any other method. However, a consequence of this is that many users of hoodoo spells for money find that they are underwhelmed with the results of their spells since the amounts it brings in can ultimately be less than life-changing -- this is especially disappointing if the spellcast itself was costly.
Investigations into people who say they "know someone" who became instantly rich through a spell inevitably prove the claims to be wishful thinking, mere gossip, or even full-on lies told by conmen who want to scam new spellcast customers into buying their services.
Some people imagine they can cast spells to "brainwash" a rich person (typically a celebrity that they barely know, if they have ever spoken at all) into giving them large amounts of money. While there is some tradition in hoodoo of using magic to gain favors from rich friends, it does have to be a person whom you have contact with -- and usually, a piece of hair or another personal item from the target is required to perform such magic. If you don't know the person but managed to get their hair through some online auction or snuck to you by someone else, even if they become magically desirous of giving you money, they would be left with no known avenue for doing so. The spell wouldn't make them know how to find you.

So it's back to gambling, jobs, and business. Nevertheless, you may find yourself in need of more money, but feel that gambling, jobs, or business are not appropriate methods to be undertaken for your situation. Can hoodoo still be used to help you? And can you use hoodoo when you do need life-changing amounts of money?
The answer is YES! However, you likely need to approach it differently than going after "a money spell."
One type of work that you can use to create the conditions for life-altering wealth is something like my
Ultimate Road Opener Spell. This is
not a quick fix (that would be
Fast Luck spells) but it can put your life on the correct path for real improvement, instead of just temporarily alleviating the condition with a one-time burst of money. However, once again it's likely to manifest by way of something like a new job or improved business that will be created during the overhaul which the magic sets in motion.
Another strategy that works well, especially if you have had long-standing money troubles, is to use Uncrossing and Curse Removal Spells. In older hoodoo, there was often an assumption that any problems at all, such as lack of money, were always the result of a curse or jinx. Thus, removing the curse will result in improved finances. The caveat is that if it's a longstanding problem, you might need to continue the uncrossing spells for weeks or months to fully remove the hex. Nevertheless, this is a very valuable change in your life once you've made it, and you might well find you emerge not just with improved finances but a whole new outlook regarding money and how to utilize it for the best.
Still, if you only need a money spell by itself, I suggest using this Arabka Soudagar Money Spell for gaining larger amounts of money -- perform the spell as described on the page but use a dollar bill for writing your petition, instead of a plain paper. It works with some Road Opener and Uncrossing abilities that will help unblock your money.
"We are so used to reaching for our wallets or purses that we forget how magical the power of money can seem. Producing a few tattered notes can have people running to do your bidding, or bringing you whatever you desire. A little piece of plastic embossed with a cryptic code can work like a talisman, casting a spell on all around. It is this miraculous power to command the world that our unconscious latches onto and extends into the hope that money can command even death itself."
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And if you personally are in need of a lucky turn around to your finances, consider getting a Hoodoo Online Money Magic Spell to improve your money!