Magical Sachet Powders and Hoodoo Deodorants - Learn How to Control Others, Boost Your Spells, and Make Your Own with This Mind-Blowing Guide!
However, in cases where one needs to influence another person, and has access to them, I have discovered powder to be the best mode of working on them. If all you're able to do is long-distance work, stick with candles and incense; but if you are working on someone you can visit in person, or at least access their personal effects or their home or work, this is where powder becomes a value. It can be deployed in various ways: sprinkle the floors, drop a bit in the corners of the building, blow it around the room, and so on. It has been my own experience that putting it on something they will touch is the strongest method to work this.
Why should an identical oil formula not work just as well for this? Well, it's a good question. My guess is that it's because oil is sticky and tends to stay put, whereas powders can get all the hell over everything. A teaspoon of powder has thousands of particles, able to float about, be inhaled, collect on surfaces. A teaspoon of oil just makes a big grease spot. It can also be harder to use oils secretly -- you might be able to dust a resume and blame any residue as being toner from the printer. If you turn it in with big oily spots on each of the corners, however, that's harder to pass off as not being deliberate. If people suspect you are up to something, they sometimes fight the influence a bit harder.
Another benefit of powders is that they have the power to enhance candle or incense spells. I never had anyone tell me this, yet I've observed several others also figured out this trick: when you write up your name-paper or wish-paper and set it under your candlestick or incense burner, dusting the paper with some complimentary powder or else just making a circle of powder around the burner really seems to add some oomph to the spells. Make of this knowledge what you will.
(updated 5/28/16 to merge sachet powder articles)
Old time conjure spells often instruct that sachet powders be used on the body, particularly around the chest area. Perfumes are also a common device, instructed for use in many old spells and curio catalogues. These were common products at the time and were used as part of a person's daily toilette, to keep a person fresh and sweet-smelling.
However, these days, how many people use talcs and perfumes every day? These spell instructions are clearly the products of a time when deodorant and moisturizers weren't the norms, like now, and body powders and colognes were more common instead. Current belief is that perfumes are a nuisance, and the only person I know that uses body powder on a daily basis for health and beauty, is over 90 years old.
The body powder of today is underarm deodorant. Curiously, no one seems to sell these with hoodoo scents that I have seen. Lately, I have learned how to make an excellent deodorant at home -- in fact I got rid of my expensive premade deodorant because the homemade stuff worked so much better. It's not an antiperspirant and it can sometimes leave a powdery mark on dark colored clothes, but if you can deal with that you can not only make your own deodorant, but you can also fix it with whatever hoodoo folk magic formulations you want!
There's a few different ways I have found to go about this, so here is one of several varieties of the homemade hoodoo deodorant. This one uses anointing oil.
You need:
3 parts* anointing oil of your choice
2 parts cornstarch
4 parts baking soda
Combine the dry ingredients thoroughly, then add the oil and combine well to make a paste.
*I find a creamy texture is the easiest for me to apply and use, but if you'd like a thicker or thinner texture you can add or subtract oil as desired. This is intended to be applied with your fingers, but I know of people who've made firmer-textured versions that could be pressed into empty deodorant containers and applied the normal way.
Other variations include the deodorant made with powder and deodorant made with colognes like Hoyt's or Florida Water.
- 1 part baking soda
- 1 part cornstarch
- 2 parts coconut oil
- essential oils -- use your judgment. Spicy scents like cinnamon need to be used more cautiously than something mild like rose oil.
I moved to a new house a few months ago, and when I did, I repurposed a piece of furniture that formerly has held my oils and incense to instead become a clothing drawer.
The trouble is, despite cleaning, it still held onto a bit of an unpleasant odor from its past use. (It's well known that spiritual oils and incense don't always have desirable fragrances.)
I decided to make an old style sachet to refresh the drawers. Taking inspiration from a historical sachet recipe and modern methods, I assembled the following:
Herbs, essential oils and baking soda. The soda will help purge and purify any unwanted smells while the herbs and oils will add new, desirable fragrances. I decided to make my sachet after a classic Van Van, including the cinnamon and rosemary from the old New Orleans recipe. A coffee filter serves as the container for all this.
I simply eyeballed the soda, I would say it was around 1/3 cup used. Based on the old Verbena sachet I put in 5 drops lemon oil and 6 drops bergamot -- and I have to say I am a fan of that combo! It's a much nicer, deeper citrus scent than the usual lemon-sweet orange you get nowadays. (Though if you have read Conjure Cookbook you already might know my preference for Bitter Orange due to its stronger, and frankly more orange-like, scent.) I also added a drop of lemongrass to keep with tradition.
After mixing together soda and oils, I added a few pinches each of lemongrass, cinnamon and rosemary herbs. I thought about adding orris as a fixative, but I decided it wasn't likely necessary.
After that you simply close up the filter however you like (I used a rubberband, but a staple would do, or even string.) The resulting sachet can go in your drawer or cabinet to freshen and spiritually empower your clothing and furnishings. It will begin to work almost immediately, and should last about 6 weeks.
Remember -- in modern hoodoo, physical uncleanliness and spiritual uncleanliness are very closely linked, and the cleaner and sweeter smelling you keep everything in your life, the less evil and negativity will be able to access you.