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Showing posts from March, 2009

Feeding a Mojo - Old Time Mojo Bags

Mojos, or Conjure Hands, or Medicine Bags, or whatever you like to call them, are popular and classic parts of hoodoo and rootwork. The fact that they are easy to make and send as a "ready made spell" also causes them to be popular with the retailers of occult supplies. This post is focusing on another element: feeding a mojo. This is usually an issue whether you bought your bag ready-made or whether you put it together yourself. In fact, if the bag is actually a mojo (rather than a gris-gris) it's always supposed to be fed. Only rarely are some mojo hands meant not to be fed repeatedly -- most typically in cases where they are meant to work on another person and are hidden or buried near the spell-target's home or workplace. Of course the practitioner isn't expected to have further access to the bag, and thus they are not given further feedings. Most hands, however, are kept in the practitoner's home or, most commonly, carried by the practitioner. These a...

Magical Sachet Powders and Hoodoo Deodorants - Learn How to Control Others, Boost Your Spells, and Make Your Own with This Mind-Blowing Guide!

I don't use a lot of commercially made magical powders. Frankly, it is usually cheaper and often easier to just grind up my own herbs or else multitask a bit of incense powder for the purpose. However, in cases where one needs to influence another person, and has access to them, I have discovered powder to be the best mode of working on them. If all you're able to do is long-distance work, stick with candles and incense; but if you are working on someone you can visit in person, or at least access their personal effects or their home or work, this is where powder becomes a value. It can be deployed in various ways: sprinkle the floors, drop a bit in the corners of the building, blow it around the room, and so on. It has been my own experience that putting it on something they will touch is the strongest method to work this. Why should an identical oil formula not work just as well for this? Well, it's a good question. My guess is that it's because oil is sticky and...

Paper-in-Shoe Spells

A popular and very traditional hoodoo spell, often used for any situation where you need to control someone with magic , is the namepaper-in-shoe spell. It's very easy: you write the target's name 3, 7, or 9 times on a paper (depending on intent and who's giving instruction) then fold it up, sometimes after dressing it with oils or powders, then put it in your shoe. This "keeps the person underfoot" or "stomps out the trouble" or any other number of metaphors. I had this work several times over the years. In one instance, I was working for a very unpleasant boss, on a short-term job. It was the last day, and I only had about 3 hours of work left on the project; and I wanted him to up my pay for the day since it almost wasn't worth the trip across town for the amount he was paying me, for only 3 hours. He was very reluctant. So I wrote his name 3 times on a 5-dollar bill he'd given me, and dusted it with Bend Over powder. He paid me what I ...