It is very common online and in books to see the claim that a "magic spell" is so called because you write, or spell, it out on paper. Contrary to popular belief, spells are not so called because you "spell" them out. It is in fact a branching out of a now-obsolete Middle English word spel , meaning "an utterance, something said, a statement, remark; also, a conversation." It could also mean a fixed story or poem (that you memorize and recite) and then, by extension, a chant you recite. And, by extension, a spell in the magical incantation sense. In one Middle English to Latin glossary, spell is equated with "syllabicos." Of interest, this word is also the second element in the term gospel . Literacy was not the most normal of conditions until fairly recently. There are parts of the world even today where it is uncommon. It is therefore no surprise that in former times, things were communicated more often by speech than by writing. However,...
Folklore, magic, facts and fiction from Talia Felix and where those who need magic can DO MAGIC.