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Showing posts from October, 2022

Hoodoo, Voodoo and Witchcraft Spells to Get Rid of Unwanted Suitors

Love spells are probably the most notorious (and popular) type of magic, and there's no shortage of spells, charms and formulas for the purpose.  But what if you have the opposite issue and want anti-love spells?  Spells for causing breakups or for getting out of a bad relationship abound, but it's rarer to see spells aimed at sending away unwanted suitors. Now, to some people this seems like it shouldn't be any problem at all -- you can just tell the person that you're not interested and they'll lay off, right? Well, sometimes it isn't so easy. Sometimes a person won't take the hint and remains persistent, or in many cases (typically but not always for women) one might be afraid of repercussions if the suitor takes the rejection badly, especially if it's a person one will still have to see regularly due to living or working in the same area. Here are a few spells made for the purpose of discouraging an unwanted suitor without making trouble. Any of them...