Hoodoo in the Time of Covid - Coronavirus and Disease Magical Protection, and Magic Spell for Curing Illness
First of all -- we all understand that I'm writing about magic and folk beliefs, not science or medicine, correct? Good. Now onto the article. Magic spells to protect against disease are some of the oldest known occult workings. It is very logical when you remember that, until fairly recently in history, people didn't know what caused diseases, and so they seemed "magical" as anything. There was a lot of assumption that disease was caused by hexes or evil eye. With so much danger lurking, many remedies and protective charms were devised by the old time magicians to guard against disease and illness. One famous charm was the SATOR SQUARE. It is a palindrome written in the Latin language, dating back to Roman times and in use well into the 19th century and, arguably, still in use today as a talismanic charm against misfortune, hexes and disease. In modern form, you can wear this charm as part of a face mask (itself a protective talisman of sorts) -- You can get the Sat...