Among unpleasant memories of magical practice is an occasion where I shared the circa 1920 recipe for Van Van I had seen in the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum on a hoodoo forum, and got laughed out of the room because it contained rosemary. "Rosemary's for female domination!" This idea has been popularized by Catherine Yronwode, attributing it to stem from a saying "Where rosemary flourishes, the lady rules." ( The same are said about sage and parsley .) H.U. Lampe's 1974 book Famous Voodoo Rituals and Spells might be the source of the information, for he writes: "Where Rosemary Flourishes, The Lady Rules", is an ancient saying. Rosemary is kept under the bed to insure faithfulness. Fore (sic) causing prophetic dreams, Rosemary is dipped into a mixture of vinegar, rum, water, gin, and wine. This is kept near the bed. Before retiring say, "Tibi impero ut quoedam viluero et velim adimpleos et facias." The saying is originally En...
Folklore, magic, facts and fiction from Talia Felix and where those who need magic can DO MAGIC.