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Showing posts from August, 2016

Magical Love Herbs of Old Time Hoodoo - Fast Love Spells for Effective Witchcraft

Some time ago, I was on vacation and needed to cast some magic spells. Since I didn't have any supplies with me, I had to outsource the work to another professional caster. This caster, however, had a different philosophy from mine. She believed in putting off work to do it 'right' later, while I felt it was better to get things done quickly, even if it was a bit rough. I don't deny that getting more work doesn't mean the work is better. But you also know the saying, "A stitch in time saves nine." It's about making quick-fixes problems as soon as you see them, to prevent them from getting worse. Think of it like a plumbing problem. If your bathroom sink is leaking and you don't have the tools to fix it properly, putting a bucket under it and using duct tape is better than doing nothing. Leaving it unfixed would cause water damage and other issues. Similarly, in magic, it's better to do a quick, useful spell rather than waiting and waiting for...

"Voodoo Hours" for Enhancing Your Magical Powers - Famous Spell for Real Magick

Jim Haskins , reportedly taking his information from the Voodoo Museum of New Orleans , reports on the "Voodoo Hours" that are used for spell enhancement. He then prints a list of the hours of Venus, used to enhance love spells. Now, one familiar with European grimoire magic quickly recognizes these are the same as the planetary hours from the Petit Albert . I know from some comments I've gotten about my translation of the Albert as well as my other works that there are some people who really resent the idea that hoodoo and voodoo have any bookish European influences in them, but this is in an instance where we have undeniable evidence that, at least in the modern practice, this piece of European grimoire magic made it into the ritual repertoire. (Probably through the Petit Albert which was extremely well-known in the French speaking parts of the Americas, and spells from which actually pop up all the time in folk magic practices.) Traditional planetary hours...