I am sometimes criticized for sharing and recommending spells that I myself have never tried; however, I consider this somewhat akin to expecting a doctor should have personally tried every drug he might prescribe to his patients. If the doctor doesn't have the same disease as the patient it will do no good at all, and different people have different reactions to the same medicines anyway: thus there is no advantage in the doctor's having actually used the same drugs to good effect or not. Thus we get to the matter of this old time breakup spell which was given in a book by Zora Neale Hurston: "Take nine needles, break each needle in three pieces. Write each person's name three times on paper. Write one name backwards and one forwards and lay the broken needles on the paper. Take five black candles, four red and three green. "Tie a string across the door from it, suspend a large candle upside down. It will hang low on the door; burn one each day for ...
Folklore, magic, facts and fiction from Talia Felix and hoodoo-online.com where those who need magic can DO MAGIC.