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Showing posts from June, 2016

Hoodoo Magic Herb List - Hoodoo Online's Handy Guide for DIY Spells

Acacia - keep away evil Adam and Eve root - good luck, especially in love Adam root (from an Adam and Eve) - to hold a man’s love Alfalfa leaves or seeds - to make money last Allspice – for success, money drawing and for good luck Aloeswood - good fortune, spirit contact Angelica root - protection from harm Anise seed - against evil eye Asafoetida - prevents disease and keeps away police Ash leaves - for luck in love affairs Balm of Gilead buds - reconciliation, protection from jinxes Basil - against evil; for purification, for luck-bringing, and for money drawing Bay Leaves – protection from evil; victory and success Bayberry - money drawing, luck drawing Betel nut - protection and luck Bistort - for good luck Bloodroot - protection, job-getting, luck Blue flag root - money drawing Buckeye root - success in any undertaking Buckeye/Chestnut/Horse chestnut - for good luck and protection Burdock - protection Calendula - make dreams come true, prevent nightmares Cara...

Lucky Rabbit's Feet - Famous Old Time Hoodoo Rituals for Occult Power

Reading a largely incorrect account of the rabbit's foot charm at Cracked inspired me to write a fresh blog post on the subject. Rabbit's foot charms are pretty classic hoodoo -- they're one of the rites I kept coming across over and over again when trying to do my research for the book Conjurin' Ole Time  (now republished as Conjuration) . However, in that same research, I was finding heavy indication that the rabbit's foot charm has English or Scottish origins, not African -- though like with the notorious  Black Cat Spell , the African practice of harvesting the animal parts from the still-living animal (to enhance the magic) got taken up for this otherwise European spell.  It's of note that as late as the early 20th century, rabbit's feet (normal, without lucky property) were being used as practical tools -- they were used as brushes for applying paint or cosmetics, or for dusting gold leaf. There was even a particular style of old time pow...

Unveiling the Hidden Truths of Love Spells: What Hollywood Doesn't Tell You About Winning Hearts with Magic!

If you have never used magic before, it's very possible you are turning to it for the first time over a difficult love situation. Folklore and Hollywood are filled with stories about love spells being used to win the heart of a desired person. But what are the things you should know in advance of doing such magic? 1. It's not a mind control spell. In reality, if magic could regularly do such dramatic things as force a persons mind, it wouldn't be an "unproven" practice. It's true that one finds accounts of such happenings in old folklore, but either these stories have been exaggerated (if you ever lived in a small rural town you may have seen how gossip spreads and transforms into the most bizarre stories) or, some believe that in the past when life was more simple, the influence of a spell could have been enough to seem to control a person who lived a simple life and was otherwise not used to decision-making, such as a slave or low servant or a rural subsiste...