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Showing posts from April, 2016

Anima Sola (Lonely Soul) Ritual to See Your Future Spouse, from The Petit Albert and Vodu y Magia en Santo Domingo

Carlos Esteban Deive is a respected writer and intellectual in the Dominican Republic. His book Vodu y Magia en Santo Domingo is a great resource for information about Latin American magical practices. He talks at one point of love spells and of rituals involving the Anima Sola. As I'm reading along, with my rather poor Spanish, I become excited to see him describe a Guatamalan prayer to the Anima Sola which he says involves a " sacrificio de un animal. " This is new! I want to see this unusual ritual, as it might shed some fresh light on the Anima Sola's history and behaviors in the region. I keep reading, in Spanish:  En esta oración, la mujer que desea conocer el hombre que habrá de ser su esposo atará dos pequeñas ramas de álamo blanco a sus medias con una cinta de hilo del mismo color. Colocará después la medias debajo de la almohada al momento de acostarse y frotándose la sangre con el animal sacrificado, un abullide(?), recitará el siguiente tex...