Ancient Secret: How to Find and Use Powerful 'Mad Stones' for Snake and Rabid Animal Bites - Magic Rocks from ca. 1870
How to Find, How to Prepare, and How To Use the Great Natural Remedy for Bites of Poisonous Or Rabid Animals. — There are several possessors of what are called "mad stones," and each of these persons is regarded as peculiarly fortunate to possess the article, which has, in many cases, been handed down from generation to generation, or has been purchased at a high price. The wonders achieved by such stones have many witnesses in their respective sections, and a single little stone has yielded its owner a handsome income, as persons bitten by snakes, mad dogs, etc., will readily pay $2 to $10 merely to be allowed to apply the marvelous stone to the wound. The finding of these stones has been so far mere chance. I propose to tell how they can be obtained with greater certainty. In nearly every section there is what is known as "red shale" or "red shell," and also of a darker color, a nearly black variety of similar rocks. Among specimens of both these minera...