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Showing posts from June, 2015

Ancient Secret: How to Find and Use Powerful 'Mad Stones' for Snake and Rabid Animal Bites - Magic Rocks from ca. 1870

How to Find, How to Prepare, and How To Use the Great Natural Remedy for Bites of Poisonous Or Rabid Animals. — There are several possessors of what are called "mad stones," and each of these persons is regarded as peculiarly fortunate to possess the article, which has, in many cases, been handed down from generation to generation, or has been purchased at a high price. The wonders achieved by such stones have many witnesses in their respective sections, and a single little stone has yielded its owner a handsome income, as persons bitten by snakes, mad dogs, etc., will readily pay $2 to $10 merely to be allowed to apply the marvelous stone to the wound. The finding of these stones has been so far mere chance. I propose to tell how they can be obtained with greater certainty. In nearly every section there is what is known as "red shale" or "red shell," and also of a darker color, a nearly black variety of similar rocks. Among specimens of both these minera...

DIY Magic Spell to Force Your Loved One to Stay With You - Mind Control Magic

You need: A sock from the spell's target (preferably worn but unwashed -- a washed sock is better than nothing but not as good as an unwashed.) A sock of your own (likewise, unwashed) A fidelity incense like Stay with Me, No One But Me, Only Me, etc.  Begin by lighting the incense. Then, take the two socks and in the smoke of the incense, tie them together -- if possible, into 3 knots, though just 1 knot is okay if the socks are too small. Hold the socks in the perfumed smoke and say, "What's been joined, let no one pull apart" and repeat this over and over, holding the socks in the incense, till the smoke goes out. Hide the socks under your mattress, and be sure they remain there undisturbed. If you ever change your mind about this person you must burn the two socks together to destroy them.

Hyssop Incense Recipe - DIY White Witchcraft at Home

Hyssop is a great purification herb in hoodoo, it's use having been picked up through Bible magic and kabbalist texts like The Key of Solomon. The most typical way to use hyssop, other than mixing it into other formulas, is to prepare a bath with it. However, recently I decided I wanted some hyssop incense in order to purify a room. The only manufacturer that I know sells hyssop incense is one I've had a falling out with and so don't buy from anymore, meaning I had to come up with a recipe of my own. I could have used the makko incense recipe I gave in Conjure Cookbook , but I was all out of makko. Ultimately I turned to Scott Cunningham's Complete Book of Incense Oils and Brews .  There was no recipe specifically for hyssop incense, but it had the following for making cone incense: 6 parts powdered Sandalwood (or Cedar, Pine, Juniper) 2 parts powdered Benzoin (or Frankincense, Myrrh , etc.) 1 part ground Orris root 6 drops essential oil [sic] (use the oil form o...

Wiccan's Medieval Witchcraft - Actual Spells The Would Have Been Used in the Middle Ages and Renaissance

I've seen so many texts that advertise their stuff as "old time" when the stuff in fact can be dated to the 1920s at best. I was sick of this. I decided I would make a more authentic book of old time spells. And so we have  -- The Wiccan's Book of Medieval Witchcraft. Note that these are not hoodoo spells. As the name indicates, they are more alike to Wiccan spells, though actually are not technically even Wicca since everything in the book predates the creation of the Wiccan religion in the 20th century. They are nevertheless true and legitimate older European spells, some taken directly from medieval sources.  Contrary to the modern perception that all witchcraft was banned in medieval times, there was actually quite a bit of what we'd nowadays classify as witchcraft going on -- however, at the time it was viewed as just superstition, folk remedies, or sometimes even understood to be legitimate science! Basically, as long as it wasn't bei...