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Showing posts from April, 2013

Coffin Nails, Used for Witchcraft and Dark Magick

COFFIN NAILS FROM HOODOO ONLINE At left, a genuine 19th century coffin nail found at Fairview Cemetery in Santa Fe, NM. At right, a nail found in Greyfriars Kirkyard in Edinburgh, Scotland -- probably 18th or 19th century. While I'm quite certain that the Fairview nail is a genuine coffin nail (it having been found amongst human bones, coffin wood and other coffin hardware in the graveyard) I am less sure if the Greyfriars nail is actually from a coffin, or if it was left over from some long-ago construction work done in the area. It also could have been from a wooden cross or wooden gravemarker that's since disintegrated. However, human bones are known to work their way up to the surface from the heavy rains in the area, so it's possible that it could really be one that found its way out... nevertheless, only the Fairview nails are offered on my Coffin Nails for Sale page, since those are the only ones I'm sure about.  These kind of flat-sided nails wer...

The Mystic Secrets of Ancient Roman Altars and Performing Old Time Rituals

The above picture shows some ancient Roman altars, on display in the Scottish National Museum. They are about the size and shape of tombstones, and usually include a circular indentation in the top wherein offerings were left. Pictures or writing indicating the intended deity are on the lower part of the altar. In the Roman religion, the altar, more often called by the Latin term ara , a word of uncertain derivation, but which many historians trace to ardeo ("burn"), is generally quadrangular in shape. Vitruvius the architect prescribed that the altar of a temple should be facing east and in a lower position than the statue of worship, so that those who pray look up towards the divinity. The height of the altar, however, varied depending on the type of deity to which it is dedicated: those of the celestial deities, such as Jupiter, were very high, while those of the terrestrial and marine deities and even of Vesta were quite low. Although in houses the function of t...

You Won't Believe the Shocking History Behind This Legendary Beauty Brand - And the Secret Artwork That Fueled Its Rise!

There is an interesting old article about King Novelty/Valmor Products on the blog PlanetBarbarella . Valmor aggressively promoted the idea of romantic love with its products – not only would its skin brighteners and creams help deliver the man of your dreams, but perhaps marriage and a better life. According to author Juliann Sivulka, the advertising concept helped Valmor “successfully re-package Anglo-Saxon 19th century ideals and gender roles.” New mass media wasn’t just influencing white Americans, but African-Americans as well. Valmor came out on top, its dominance of the black cosmetics industry “signaled the end of an era (that) promoted beauty as a means of racial pride and “adjustment.” There’s no written explanation why Neumann decided to do all the artwork for Valmor Products himself – probably because it was too expensive during the 1920’s and ‘30’s to contract another company or artist to do something he could do himself.  It goes without saying Neumann’s ...

Domination and Control with Magical Symbols - Skulls, Swirls

Baptized candles have a tendency to display either current or to-be behaviors of their subjects. Skull candles, which are used for the purpose of magically controlling a person's thoughts, seem to "weep" with a certain frequency. Some of this is just due to the shape of the candle -- the eyes being one of the shallowest points, therefore make it likely that the liquid wax will pour out of that spot -- and one must be cautious with candle readings to comprehend what is normal burn behavior for a style of candle. Nonetheless, a weeping skull candle can indicate many things. I might suggest he subject is upset or will become upset by thing thing you're requesting, or it might indicate that he or she is already unhappy. If you get a sobby little skull candle as part of your work, consider whether your demands on the person might be too emotionally damaging to them! Swirling shapes are often used in hoodoo style magic to represent power and mastery. The famous...