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Showing posts from July, 2012

Blockbuster: A Newfangled Formula

In very traditional old time hoodoo magic, virtually all troubles were attributed to somebody having placed a jinx or curse on the subject to create problems for them. Consequently, curse removing formulas and recipes were used to cure these kinds of ailments -- mixtures like Uncrossing or Van Van being amongst the earliest hoodoo formulas for the purpose. Modern hoodoo tends to feel differently and expects that a certain amount of struggle and misfortune is natural in a person's life; but for those cases when one does not wish to be held back anymore, there is a formula called Blockbuster which can be employed to bust down obstacles and clear the way to happiness and success. Blockbuster is usually used with a black candle, and it is said by some that it should be combined with another cleansing formula like Van Van or Purification for best results because it is designed to only break blockages but not to clear them away. I personally like to always mix Blockbuster with...

Getty Museum

I recently went to the Getty Museum in Los Angeles for the first (and sadly probably last) time, due to circumstances. But still, one of the top art museums in the world! Here are a few highlights of things I saw: Starry Night by Edvard Munch. Faun and his Family by Lucas Cranach -- I think this one might contain mummy black for the black portions. Still Life with Fruit by Jan van Huysum -- it's hard to see in this miniature version, but there are insects crawling all over the fruit and flowers in this picture. Christ on the Cross by El Greco. Astronomer by Candlelight by Gerrit Dou -- this thing is amazingly small for how detailed it is. I've seen some other fantastic museums around the world lately as well. Stay tuned for tales of the Louvre and the Victoria and Albert!

Amazing Uncrossing Spell to Remove Voodoo and Evil Curses From the Body - from Hyatt's Voodoo Book

A famous old rite recorded by Hyatt in his famous collection of folklore and American hoodoo and voodoo magic spells, was to use Frankincense to smoke one's feet -- this process, it was said, would both protect against and remove any existing harmful magic that had been done. "Tuh pertec' yo'self against enemies, yo' burn white incense an' smoke yore feet at the bottom with white incense. De incense doesn't come in a white-powder form but it is listed as white incense. Yo' smoke yore feet in that incense and as the smoke comes up, it comes up ovah yore whole body, but chure feet must not have socks on 'em. An' that rids yo' of yore enemies, protects yo' an' rids yo' of them - dey don't even bother yo' no mo', protects yo' 'ginst dem. If someone is seeking advantage of yo' tuh take yore life, it even rids yo' of that." Note: I've seen "White Incense" for sale at an ethnic shop, an...

Extra Horrifying Artwork for Edgar Allen Poe

In 1919, everyone wanted a copy of the deluxe edition of Edgar Allan Poe's Tales of Mystery and Imagination, but not because it was bound in vellum with real gold lettering. It was because of these grim and gorgeous illustrations by Harry Clarke, which added an extra dose of horror to Poe's already terrifying tales. i09 features some excellent illustrations from this book -- they're like Edward Gorey meets Aubrey Beardsley, except even more goreiffic.

Being Lucky Is a Skill You Can Learn

3 Ways to Become a Luckier Person (From an old article at the now defunct Mind Power News ) In the wake of these studies, I think there are three easy techniques that can help to maximise good fortune: Unlucky people often fail to follow their intuition when making a choice, whereas lucky people tend to respect hunches. Lucky people are interested in how they both think and feel about the various options, rather than simply looking at the rational side of the situation. I think this helps them because gut feelings act as an alarm bell - a reason to consider a decision carefully. Unlucky people tend to be creatures of routine. They tend to take the same route to and from work and talk to the same types of people at parties. In contrast, many lucky people try to introduce variety into their lives. For example, one person described how he thought of a colour before arriving at a party and then introduced himself to people wearing that colour. This kind of behaviour boosts the likelihood o...

A Very Simple Peaceful Home Powder

I had to improvise this powder recipe while visiting relatives and finding I was without my usual stock of supplies. I was visiting with a segment of my family who are not known for being level headed and pleasant people, nor are the inhabitants of trailer parks (such as where they live) renowned for these traits; so some Peaceful Home powder was definitely needed during the visit after someone either within or without the home causing a screaming and door-slamming fit every day I'd been there. The ingredients I had were only what was in the kitchen and what was in my travel bag. I thus make my Peaceful Home powder from the following: Lavender scented soap (grated fine) Sugar Combine and sprinkle in the four corners of the house, and around the threshold if neighbors or visitors are also contributing to the problem.