Blancmange isn't just a gothic band , but a gothic food! In its modern form, it's known as a tasty, if plain, pudding dessert... "To Make Blancmange - one pint of milk, half an ounce of isinglass, or a small quantity of gelatine boiled a quarter of an hour; add loaf-sugar, and flavor to taste; strain, and turn out when perfectly cold." -- Godey's Magazine, 1859 ...and yet, an even older version exists, one that could almost be cleped 'gothic' in the sense of being of the Goths . "Blawmanger. Tak þe two del of rys, þe thridde pert of almoundes; wash clene þe rys in leuk water & turne & seth hem til þay breke & lat it kele, & tak þe melk & do it to þe rys & boyle hem togedere. & do þerto whit gres & braun of hennes grounde smale, & stere it wel, & salte it & dresch it in disches. & frye almaundes in fresch gres til þey be browne, & set hem in þe dissches, & strawe þeron sugr...
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