Many hoodoo magic spells operate by way of creating physical charms like mojo bags or bottle spells. In these cases, what is one to do with the resulting magical spell device? Traditionally, the answer is to place the charms in specific locations that relate to the work. When one deposits a hoodoo spell at a house, it should be the home of the person the spell is meant to influence. So if it's a spell to draw money to yourself , you keep the charm at your own house. If your spell is to mentally influence somebody through magic , you will hide the charm someplace at their house. It is of note that the magical spell device does not necessarily need to be hidden inside the house, but it should at least be on the property of the person it is meant to influence. It is perfectly fine to conceal the charm; it need not be plainly visible. In fact, it can even be buried or hidden under the house. "But I can't get into so and so's house," you complain, "in ...
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