Why do you dress like that? Wasn't Halloween last month? What's wrong with you? Such common questions, and all stem from the single biggest curiosity about gothic lifestyle: What is being Goth all about? Well, the best source to check is probably -- other goths! Here are the musings of folks over on the forums of Goth Blog regarding the subject. Being goth is not about fashion. It's about how you live your life and how you view life. It's appreciating the beauty in the darkness. Laughing at dark humor. It's NOT about wearing all black, painting your face white, and being depressed. If you want to paint your nails, do it. If you don't want to, then don't. You also sound like you think you have to wear white makeup and black eyeliner to be goth. Just so you know, you don't have to be pale as fuck to be goth. It's mainly just a personal preference. Personally I like being pale, but I know goths who are tan or have naturally dark skin. Bottom...
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