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Showing posts from July, 2011

Steady Work Candle - Botanica Style

A few weeks ago, on a visit to Chicago, I was able to visit my first botanica that did custom dressings for the candles. So I got a dressed Steady Work candle. The candle was dressed with rose petals, white mustard seed, rosemary, rue, gold glitter and some kind of perfume oil poured over the top of the candle. (Reminds me of the Milionario oil I got at a different place a few years ago.) They also had me write my name on a tiny piece of cardboard which they seem to have wrapped around the wick. Haven't burnt the thing so don't know how well it works, but figured I'd share this interesting info with others who don't get to see their own botanicas very often.


A cosmogram is a flat geometric figure depicting a cosmology. Some of them were created for meditational purpose. Mandalas are the best known cosmograms, but similar diagrams, known as schema, were also used in western Europe during the Middle Ages. Many cosmograms feature a circle and a square, or a circle and a cross. The circle may represent the universe, or unity. The square or cross may represent the Earth, the four directions. The centre may represent the individual. Many diagrams featuring circles and squares or crosses may be interpreted as cosmograms, although they may not be intentionally created as such. Here's a link to a page all about Kongo Cosmograms with some interesting info. ...One of the major functions of the cosmogram of Kongo, to validate a space on which to stand a person or charm, remains in force in certain Afro-Cuban religious circles.[see the section of the "Ken Brown Interview" when he speculates that Levi Jordan imported slaves from Cuba].Kon...

Unlock Infinite Luck and Abundance with This Simple 3-Ingredient Magic Spell! Just Sprinkle and Say...

To work this powerful spell yourself, you need: cinnamon oil salt allspice Combine these and sprinkle three drops of the resulting oil in all the entrances to your house. Say as you do so, "Come in" to bring in luck.

Blessed Salt

Blessed salt has been used in various forms throughout the history of Christianity. Among early Christians, the savoring of blessed salt often took place along with baptism. In the fourth century, Augustine of Hippo named these practices "visible forms of invisible grace". However, its modern use as a sacramental remains mostly limited to its use with holy water within the Roman Rite.For centuries, salt that had been cleansed and sanctified by special exorcisms and prayers was given to catechumens before entering the church for baptism. According to the fifth canon of the Third Council of Carthage in the third century, salt was administered to the catechumens several times a year, a process attested by Augustine of Hippo (Confessions I.11). Two specific rites, namely a cross traced on the forehead and a taste of blessed salt, not only marked the entrance into the catechumenate, but were repeated regularly. By his own account, Augustine was "blessed regularly with the Sig...