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Showing posts from October, 2010

Old Fashioned Candles from Lard - A Recipe

Paraffin, the primary ingredient of most modern spiritual candles, was only discovered in the 19th century; and it seems that just because it was known did not instantly make it the market leader. Lard and tallow candles continued to be used for a while yet, at least until lightbulbs made non-decorative candles a thing of the past. If you want to try some old-school hoodoo, here's a recipe from the 1870s for wax for making lard candles: Dissolve a quarter pound alum, and a quarter pound saltpeter, in a half pint of water on a slow fire; then take three pounds of lard cut into small pieces, and put into the pot with this solution, stirring it constantly over a very moderate fire until all the lard is dissolved; then let it simmer until all steam ceases to rise and remove it at once from the fire. If you leave it too long it will get discolored. Lard is available at most groceries, and alum and saltpeter can be had with only a little trouble from many online retaile...

Hoodoo Recycling

...And the lesson here is that the box your spell-supplies arrive in can be used to make something just as valuable. The original box the coffin was made from came courtesy of Lucky Mojo Curio Co. (They must know how valuable the stuff is, too -- no wonder I had to pay $11 shipping on a single 4x6 inch box of lightweight herbs!) Found objects on the street can also be quite useful. Behold, my oils and powders shelf! Admittedly, I know many magicians (often with more Wiccan or Neopagan leanings) who'd be appalled by the idea of using trash in their magical supplies -- in fact the other day I even came across a guy who was fretting about how to wash a sacred object he had; he perceived tap water to be too unclean. But I say, waste not want not; and I do enjoy the informality and slight dirtiness of hoodoo.