While I include the basic instructions for this process in my book The Conjure Cookbook , I figured I would give a more detailed -- and illustrated -- version of the homemade soap-making process. Now of course, one can often buy ready-made magical washes, but they are sometimes little more than generic perfume with a lot of colorful dyes added and a pretty label asserting that it's now "Fast Luck Soap" -- and the exact same bar can also be bought as "Road Opener" or "Uncrossing." In some cases the, "washes" have no soap at all and are just colored and scented water. To avoid this, one can make their own wash (particularly if you have access to a good formulary like Conjure Cookbook and thus know your magical recipes.) An obvious way to do this is by adding essential oils to an unscented soap base -- but what can you do if the recipe requires ingredients that don't come in essential or fragrance oil? Many traditional recipes use t...
Folklore, magic, facts and fiction from Talia Felix and hoodoo-online.com where those who need magic can DO MAGIC.