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Showing posts from June, 2010

Four Thieves Vinegar - A Protective and Potent Elixir from Medicinal to Conjure Uses

When performing research for my book The Conjure Cookbook , I came upon some interesting findings regarding Four Thieves Vinegar, the famous formula used in conjure as a protective agent mirroring its medicinal use as a disease-killer. My entry in the Cookbook reads as follows: 8. Four Thieves Vinegar Red Wine Vinegar Lavender Absinthe Wormwood Roman Wormwood Rosemary Sage Mint Rue Garlic Sweet Flag Cinnamon Clove Nutmeg Camphor Powder all the herbs and spices except for the camphor and garlic. Use fresh sliced garlic cloves and combine with the herbs. Bottle the mixture along with the vinegar, and store it in a warm place for about 1 month. Strain. Add the camphor last, dissolved. This version of the recipe dates to the 1750s, and seems to have been standard into the 19th century. Nowadays many people like to simplify the mixture and only use any four of the herbal ingredients (one for each thief.) Interestingly, the "Journal de Sçav...

Think you have bad neighbors...

I come upon people from time to time wanting advice for what to do about unpleasant neighbors -- usually stuff about letting their dogs use other folks' lawns as toilets or problems with spreading gossip. However, here is a list of bad neighbors you can be glad you don't have: The 7 Most Insane True Stories of Neighbors from Hell . In there we've got a lottery winner who liked to run a racetrack on his property and launch fireworks over the neighborhood causing a safety hazard, a woman living "in the center of a metropolis of shit-eating rats just to piss off a couple of old people", and a guy who framed his neighbor for murder for not helping him move a motorcycle. What to do if you have terrible neighbors of any description? Well, if they see to be targeting you, you can start by sprinkling Peace Water around your property and laying pinches of Master Powder in the corners of your land (if your land isn't square or rectangular you can just guess where a ...

The Intranquil Spirit

(EDIT: Up to date information about the Intranquil Sprit can be found in my book  The Intranquil Spirit , available on Amazon.  This post has some incomplete information which is clarified in the book.) The Intranquility spell is, unfortunately, the first resort of many a rejected lover. In some ways it makes sense -- the more unhappy and forlorn one is about a breakup, the better this idea of making the other partner feel just as much so starts to sound. Unfortunately, this spell is often not well suited to a case. The purpose of the standard Intranquility spell is to have the person be tormented by the spirit until they make contact with you, or whomever the spell is being cast for. This means that if a person is already in good contact with their ex OR if they're one of those people who cannot restrain themselves from initiating contact, then this already is probably not the right spell for that case. If you've had an Intranquility spell cast and you make contac...