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Showing posts from February, 2010

Old Time Break-Up Spells - Why You Should Never Cast a Voodoo Love Spell

I think I have said before, love cases are the most common thing I'm asked for help with. Many times, the person has the problem that their lover is already seeing another person -- either has dumped them for someone else or was already with another person when they met. Due to the internet's predominance of Wiccan-style spellcasting tips, many of these people are afraid to do break-up work because they think it will bring them "bad karma" or come back "times three." This of course is a religious opinion, I cannot declare how true it is or not, but I will say -- if you're not a Jew or a Muslim you can eat all the pork and shellfish you want, if you're not a Buddhist or a Jain you can eat all the meat you want, if you're not a monotheist you can worship all the gods you want -- why should you worry about the rules of a religion you don't even practice? And heaven knows why causing a breakup with a breakup spell should be any worse kar...

Spotting Spiritual Scammers

It can't be denied that there are many charlatans who abuse innocent people's belief in magic as a way to con them out of money or other things of value. Anyone who watched  Unsolved Mysteries  back in the Robert Stack days saw many episodes where the subject was a call for help after a spiritual scammer had run off with somebody's life savings. Stories of the  type   still   crop   up   regularly . The worst scams usually run something like this: a person approaches a witch or fortune teller or shaman (whatever title the con artist is going by) for help with some life problem, or perhaps even to utilize a "free reading" or "free consultation" that the scammer has advertised. The scammer goes out of his way to convince the victim that something particularly terrible is going to befall the victim unless he makes use of the scammer's services -- often this is done by reporting that the victim is "cursed" or that a mysterious enemy is...

The Mystery of Young!

I was recently doing some research on Chinese Wash in light of my latest book ( The Conjure Cookbook as it is to be called) and came on the Lucky Mojo page regarding Young, the fellow who evidently created Chinese Wash. Catherine Yronwode supposes him to be the same as Lewis de Clairmont, and possibly known by a few other names, but has no name for the person beyond just "Young." I have in my own collection an old book called "The Devil's Legacy to Earth Mortals" printed by an M. Young (I am told, courtesy of the LOC , that the "M" stands for Martin) and in it are several advertisements for other books his company makes. Some of these books I've seen for sale in old conjure catalogues, like "Old Gypsy Madge's Fortune Teller" and "The Mystery of Love Making Solved." M. Young also produced a book called "The Great Book of 400 Secrets" which was a book for household recipes (inks, soaps, etc.) and a few of the formu...