I think I have said before, love cases are the most common thing I'm asked for help with. Many times, the person has the problem that their lover is already seeing another person -- either has dumped them for someone else or was already with another person when they met. Due to the internet's predominance of Wiccan-style spellcasting tips, many of these people are afraid to do break-up work because they think it will bring them "bad karma" or come back "times three." This of course is a religious opinion, I cannot declare how true it is or not, but I will say -- if you're not a Jew or a Muslim you can eat all the pork and shellfish you want, if you're not a Buddhist or a Jain you can eat all the meat you want, if you're not a monotheist you can worship all the gods you want -- why should you worry about the rules of a religion you don't even practice? And heaven knows why causing a breakup with a breakup spell should be any worse kar...
Folklore, magic, facts and fiction from Talia Felix and hoodoo-online.com where those who need magic can DO MAGIC.