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Showing posts from January, 2010

Spiders and Goofer Dust

Was changing an overhead lightbulb the other day, the type in a big fancy ceiling fixture that needs to be taken apart to get at the bulb itself. Took apart the fixture and it was absolutely filled with dead spiders. It was like, "My God! No wonder it's been so dark in here!" Don't know how any light was getting out at all through that mess. Unfortunately, changing the bulb required removing all those dead spiders, which were wound up in their own rotting webs, from the light sockets. It was a disgusting task to say the least. But, when life gives you lemons, you make lemonade; and when life gives you spiders, you make Goofer Dust. Goofer Dust can be made with many things. Graveyard dirt or powdered snake skins are the most common base ingredient (and sometimes, the only ingredient.) But many other items can go in, especially anything black, gray, dead, or otherwise unpleasant. Dead bugs are excellent additions, in my opinion. My favorite are adding black widows, sinc...

On Goona Goona

GOONA GOONA: Creates an atmosphere of trust and understanding when used in troubled situations. Apply to the body as a perfume to reduce tension when dealing with difficult people. In the home, rub on table legs, arms of chairs, or bottoms of plates to create a calm and confident environment. So says Anna Riva in Golden Secrets of Mystic Oils . This usage is echoed in other sources too, such as Supermarket Sorceress , and the  Magickal Formulary . Okay, sure why not? Both Supermarket Sorceress and Magickal Formulary give recipes, which are respectively: Recipe A. Rose Nutmeg Vanilla Cinnamon Recipe B. Orange (?) (Slater sometimes includes the dye color, but not always -- makes it hard to tell if he means orange dye or orange fruit.) Nutmeg Orris Rose Patchouli Rose and nutmeg seem to be the common ingredients, as can be seen. Rose, okay -- but why nutmeg? Even when you go by the planetary association it doesn't make a lot of sense. Nutmeg is much more a money ...

Reconciliation and Return Lover Magic Spells

I would say 9 out of 10 of folks contacting me about magic spells are looking for workings to bring back a lost lover; and I would say 9 of those 10 have already waited too long or otherwise made messes to the point where magic is no longer a good option to help them. For a while I was paying attention to stories of people who succeeded in bringing back their lost lovers with magic spells. I noticed initially a lot of people seemed to have performed the spells themselves, and at first thought that was what made the difference. Over time, however, I met a few people who'd had luck by hiring professional spells, and I even succeeded at several hired cases of my own. That's when I started to realize what the real factor was -- the people who succeeded were performing their spells right away, either by immediately hiring a professional to cast a spell, or by immediately performing a spell on their own. The folks who waited more than about 2 - 4 weeks usually never had luck. ...

Endangered Hoodoo Plants

While looking for a piece of information I needed, I came across this page , which mostly is a promotional piece for the book Sticks, Stones, Roots and Bones ; but which contains this interesting piece of info: The United Plant Savers is an important group that keeps herbalists, gardeners, and others informed of the fragile status of certain plants. It is important to realize that today many traditional Hoodoo plants are at risk and some are in danger of extinction, including: Bearberry (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi), also called kinnickinnick Black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) Blood root (Sanguinaria Canadensis), also called King root or He root Blue Cohosh (Caulophyllum thalictroides) Cascara Sagrada (Frangula purshiana), also called sacred bark Goldenseal (Hydrastic canadensis); ginger is a safe substitute Solomon Seal (Polygonatum biflorum) Trillium (Trillium spp.), Indian Root and Beth Root White Oak Bark (Quercus alba) White Sage (Salvia apiana), used wi...