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Showing posts from December, 2009

Conjure Cases - articles of true stories

Mute the speakers before visiting this one, folks. The midi looping in the background is really obnoxious, but the article content is rather interesting. While the article is mainly an "introduction to rootwork for non-believers" deal, and apparently is part of some larger site trying to convert Christians, there are some interesting accounts of real cases and how they played out. Excerpts below: "While I don't believe in voodoo, the mind is a powerful thing," Sills said. "If you believe in it, whether or not it's real, it has an effect. He recalled a striking encounter with root work that demonstrated its ineffectiveness ... but also left a shred of doubt. More than a dozen years ago, when he was a police detective in DeKalb County, Sills said he participated in a mass raid on the old numbers racket called "the bug." He and another officer went to serve a warrant on a woman ...

Eros and Magic in the Reconciliation

Love spells are just not appropriate for everyone, it is a simple fact; but if you know what to expect from them, they may be appropriate for you. They take a strong will and clear thinking to achieve the best results, even if you're having someone else cast them for you. Spells to return a lover after a breakup or divorce are notoriously difficult, to the point that a lot of the legit professionals won't even take on such cases because they are so hard. Yet, with spells meant to bring back a lost love being such a common request, a lot of scammers take advantage of this. Some even build their whole business on it (I don't want to diss Google Ads but for heaven's sake, just look at some of the "guaranteed 2 return lover in 20 seconds money back voodoo promise" adverts they run on here for some fine examples.) So many of my clients and friends come complaining that they went to fraudulent spellcasters who pulled these kinds of tricks. Your best bet is to thi...

Oil Lines - A Magical Alternative to Goofer Dust and Other Sprinkles

The Traditional Art of Oil Lines in Voodoo and Hoodoo Magic: A Historical Exploration In the realm of magical practices, the history of sprinkling powders and using oils to influence and fix situations is as rich and ancient as the traditions themselves. Among the practices of voodoo and hoodoo, the use of oil lines holds a particularly fascinating place. While this method may not be as widely employed today, it remains a potent and intriguing aspect of magical heritage. In this article, we will delve into the historical significance of oil lines, their traditional applications, and the ways in which they have evolved over time. In the tapestry of voodoo and hoodoo practices, oil lines stand as a testament to the ingenuity and resourcefulness of practitioners throughout the ages. These lines, crafted from oils imbued with specific intentions, were traditionally used to create magical pathways that individuals would traverse, bringing about the desired effects. This method of magical in...

Increase Sales with this Magic Spell! - Hoodoo Witchcraft for Successful Business

As most who hang about my pages can tell, I deal a lot in books. After noticing the poor sales of such beloved Jacobean classics and cheerful romances I decided it was time to do something. And that thing was as follows. So to sum up the spell, you need: Fixed Increase Business glass-encased candle, OR Glass-encased green candle, cinnamon oil, rice and sesame seeds  Dragon's blood incense  $1 bill or green paper  pen for writing You can buy a fixed and ready to burn Increase Business candle, or you can fix your own by the following method: Take a large green pullout candle, and dress it firstly with cinnamon oil. After that, sprinkle it with long-grain rice and sesame seeds. Then set it into your glass container. One benefit of using a pullout is you not only are able to dress the candle a bit more easily (instead of having to bore holes in the wax) but also, you can carve shapes and names onto it. In this case, before dressing the candle, I carved the titles and ISB...

Gypsy Madge Advertisement

I don't have a large collection of antique books, but I've got a few that date back to the 19th century; among them a cheap paperback (or "pamphlet" some might say) about occult history, full of typos and obviously from a large mail-order house. In fact, I recognized it as an item in the 1930s King Curio Catalogue from the Church of Good Luck . The book has lots of advertisements for other cheap books, mostly self improvement ("The Secret to Cleopatra's Beauty Revealed" & "The Golden Key to Business Life, or; The Open Door to Fame and Fortune" among them.) But one of them was an advertisement for a Lucky Numbers book. Alas, no copies of the actual book seem available (and if this one's any indication of the condition to expect, no wonder -- these 19th century paperbacks weren't really meant to last. In fact I once heard a rumor people used to print these things as cheap as possible with the intent folks use them as toilet paper.) ...