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Showing posts from October, 2009

Antique and Vintage Curio Catalogues

Was Googling about trying to find some new incense for the Hoodoo Review project, when I came across an interesting site called the Church of Good Luck . In addition to some old pictures of antique hoodoo items (such as incense, which was what fielded my results to them) they have another interesting thing for the eyes of collectors -- complete scans of old hoodoo curio catalogues ! It's interesting to see how common a lot of this artwork that was used in the 40s still is: a great deal of Lucky Mojo's product artwork is pulled right from the King Curio line of the 40s, and Augustine's Spiritual Goods also reuses a lot of the artwork in their own catalogue. In addition to magical items, the books usually have sections selling jewelry, and hair straighteners and skin lighteners. I also recognized, in the cover art for a book clept "The Magical Science of Black Arts" (from the 1930 King Curio) the same cover used on a book I own called "The Devil's Legacy ...

SPELLBOUND IN SCRANTON: Man Enchanted by Mysterious 'Hoodoo' Magician Signs Away Fortune! Shocking Revelations of Murder and Arson Unveiled in Sinister Conspiracy!

Found this funny old story while searching around for something: UNDER A MAGICIAN'S SPELL. HOW A SCRANTON MAN WAS INDUCED TO SIGN CERTAIN PAPERS. SCRANTON, PENN., Aug. 25. - A young man named Hogan charged Foster Rankin, Edward Horan, Dennis Sullivan, and Albert Hodge with necromancy and conspiracy before Alderman Fuller to-day. The complainant declared that he met the defendants at the Mansion House the other night, and after having some wine they introduced him to a magician, or "Hoodoo," who was supposed to work supernatural wonders. The "Hoodoo" passed his hand over Hogan's head and made him think he was President Judge of Lackawanna County. Acting in his official capacity as Judge, Hogan signed certain documents which have since turned out to be an assignment of his property to his divorced wife. He said he was powerless to resist while under the baleful eye of the necromancer, and that the whole thing was a conspiracy to rob him of his property. ...

Money Stay With Me - A Testimonial

Went, today, to have a tooth pulled -- an annoying wisdom tooth with no mate, no chewing capability, and functioning as nothing but a food-catcher. I wanted this thing gone. Since no exact quote could be given till the doctors could have a look, and I didn't want them surprising me with some $700 bill, I anointed myself -- and the debit card with which I'd be paying for all this -- with my own homemade blend of Money Stay With Me Oil. At the office, they give you a consult (lasts about 5 mins -- and they charge $78 for this alone) after which you pay upfront for the extraction. The bill was a little more than I'd hoped to pay, though not totally unaffordable. Then the receptionist noticed I had some interesting fragrance that she seemed to like a lot. At first I didn't even know what she was talking about (I don't usually get remarks on my hoodoo oils when I wear them) but then realized that it was the Money Stay With Me. I told her it was probably some essential oi...

To Show True Colors - Witchcraft Spell for Mind Reading or Discovering Truth

I was recently asked by someone if I knew of a spell to make someone "show their true colors." Well, let me tell you, the phrasing was the first thing that struck me, and immediately made me think of those Multi-Color Drip candles, of this type . They seemed a fine basis for such a spell. Thus, I designed the following. You need: A Multi-Color Drip Candle Untruthful oil or Truth oil (same product with different branding) Bend Over oil Photograph or name-paper (name written 9x) of target Dress the candle with the oils, and dot the 4 corners of the photo or paper with the same. Set the candle atop the photo. Light it, while stating your commands (this obviously has a variety of applications: love spells, money spells, business spells -- anything where you find you need to know or to see a person's true feelings.) Let the candle burn down in one go, and finally collect the photo and wax and drop it outside the place you usually see the person. ANOTHER WAY - L...

Beauty and Glamour Spells

A while ago I had a prospective client asking about a spell to transform her to look like a certain celebrity; she was convinced that she herself was very ugly, and that for some reason she could only succeed in the world if she happened to look exactly like this famous actress. Now, there are certainly spells designed for beauty enhancements, but there is some debate, even amongst magic practitioners, as to if or how far they can physically transform anyone -- notably, spells for changing eye color are popular requests, yet one of the most popular comes with the caveat that "Your parents may see past it, and often spouses or very close friends, because they know you too well." As for the would-be client, ultimately I turned down the request, as her requirements were beyond my skill in any case. To me, any plausible permanent physical transformation spell would require some kind of highly-targeted change in body chemicals that would cause things like bone-loss or grow...