Recently was seeking a good aid for some of my difficulties in sales, and found a spell from the Black and White Magic of Marie Laveau which recommended a particular mojo to be anointed with Master and Has No Hanna oils. Has No Hanna is another of the formulas that's been standardized to near-ruin by the works of Slater. His recipes are: HAS NO HANNA OIL Orange Rose Gardenia open safety pin iron filings HAS NO HANNA INCENSE Tangerine base Most recipes you will find for sale are variants on these citrus-based formulas. Unfortunately, this falls in a similar vein to "High John" oils that contain no actual John the Conqueror root. It's missing the key ingredient. Admittedly, it's hard to blame people for some of this confusion, as the item at work seems to be itself based on a bit of botanical confusion. Like Van Van from vervain , the name is a corruption -- possibly deliberately done for purposes of branding by the original manufacturer who s...
Folklore, magic, facts and fiction from Talia Felix and where those who need magic can DO MAGIC.