Historical Florida Water Uses

We've discussed Florida Water and its occult properties in a previous post, as well as having previously link to this wonderful list of unusual ways to use perfume. Why not give them a try with Florida Water cologne? Here are some other ways to use Florida Water:

In hot weather, mix the cologne with cold water and soak a towel in it. Drape this wet towel over your shoulders to cool off.

Spray your hairbrush with the cologne before using it.

Or try the tips from this old ad:

old advertisement for florida water

(Transcription: "Once used, it is simply indispensible. Grateful on handkerchief or clothing; a fragrant Lotion or Spray; a refreshing addition to the Bath, the Basin, or to the tumbler when brushing the teeth; it is mildly antiseptic and always delightful.")

Here's a tip for staying cool that utilizes an ingredient most hoodoos keep at hand: FLORIDA WATER COLOGNE.

1) mix a bit of Florida Water with plain, cool tap water.
2) pour this into a spray bottle.
3) spray yourself with this mixture.

Ta-da! The alcohol evaporates a bit faster than water, so cools you down faster. The pleasant perfume also helps cover up the stench of old sweat on you.


Florida Water cologne has been around since the 19th century, and it is a popular hoodoo perfume. While looking for something else altogether I happened upon this Etsy seller who offers original recipe Florida Water in an original style glass bottle. For those who prefer glass bottles -- and who like to do their conjure old style -- this might be a fun buy!